When you concentrate on remembering things, as long as you concentrate, concentrate and eliminate external interference, the cerebral cortex will leave a deep memory trace, which is not easy to forget. If you are distracted and concentrate on doing two things, the memory efficiency will be greatly reduced.
If you are interested in learning materials and knowledge objects, it will be hard to remember even if you spend more time.
Understanding memory, understanding is the basis of memory, and only what is understood can be remembered for a long time. It's not easy to learn by rote. For important learning content, if we can combine understanding with reciting, the memory effect will be better.
Over-study, on the basis of remembering the learning materials, remember them several times to the extent of memorizing them by rote.
Review what you have learned in time, strike while the iron is hot for what you have just learned, and review and consolidate it in time, which can strengthen memory traces and slow down the speed of forgetting.