First of all, business units should fill in the training and assessment of all employees in this form. Fill in the main person in charge, safety management personnel or other employees in the "subordinate" column of this form. Fill in the name of training institution in the column of "training unit" in this form, and fill in "internal training" for independent training of business units. Fill in "qualified" or "unqualified" in the test score column. The main person in charge and safety management personnel shall be attached with qualification certificates. Other employees entrusted with training should be accompanied by training certificates. If the certificate date is not this year, the retraining record should be attached.
Training refers to a way to make trainees master certain skills through training and exercise. The training focuses on skills transfer, and the time focuses on pre-job training. Through certain education and training technical means, we can improve the expected level, combat effectiveness, personal ability and working ability [1].