The basis for making a training plan usually includes the following aspects:
Organizational strategy and development goals: the training plan should be consistent with the organization's strategy and development goals. This ensures that training investment can support the organization to achieve its long-term goals.
Staff development and career planning: the training plan should consider the development needs and career planning of employees. By understanding employees' abilities, interests and career goals, organizations can provide personalized training and development opportunities.
Job description and duty description: determine the training plan according to the job description and duty description. This can ensure that employees have the knowledge and skills needed to perform their duties.
Performance evaluation results: the training plan should consider the results of employee performance evaluation. This helps to identify areas where employees need to improve and what training needs to be provided to support their personal and professional development.
Industry standards and best practices: organizations should understand the standards and best practices of their industries and incorporate them into their training plans. This helps to ensure that employees have the knowledge and skills needed for the industry to remain competitive.
Training demand analysis: before making a training plan, the organization should conduct training demand analysis. This includes evaluating employees' existing skills and abilities, and determining what training they need and the priority of training.
Budget and resource constraints: Budget and resource constraints need to be considered when making training plans. The organization shall determine the available training courses, lecturers and facilities according to the available funds and resources.
To sum up, the basis for making training plans should comprehensively consider the organization's strategy and development goals, staff development and career planning, job descriptions and responsibilities, performance evaluation results, industry standards and best practices, as well as training demand analysis and budget and resource constraints. By considering these factors, an organization can make a comprehensive and effective training plan to meet its needs and objectives.