To enter the ocp exam, you need to attend the training of the original factory or the training center authorized by Oracle Bone Inscriptions. After obtaining the training certificate, you can go to PearsonVUE official website to register for three exams, make an appointment for the time and place of the exams, pay the fees, and take the exams on time.
Ocp registration fee
The examination fee of ocp is around 6800, and the prices of different training institutions in different regions are different. Because ocp and oca have combined exams, ocp needs to take three exams, namely two oca exams and one ocp exam. Only after passing all three exams can you get ocp certificate.
Ocp training fee
The training fee for ocp certification is about 8000- 10000 yuan, and the prices of different training centers in different regions are slightly different. The specific price is mainly based on the actual price of the training center, but you must choose the training institution authorized by Oracle Bone Inscriptions, otherwise there will be no training certificate.