With the gradual disappearance of China's demographic dividend, the labor cost is also increasing greatly. In addition, people are affected by their bodies and emotions in the production process, and their operational stability and labor intensity cannot be compared with robots, which makes labor-intensive enterprises have to take the measure of "machine substitution" to a certain extent.
In recent years, the scale of the factory has been expanding, and now' replacement of machines' makes the equipment of the factory better and better, and the manual operation is less and less and more accurate. Deputy Xu, a lathe worker of Zhejiang Changsheng Sliding Bearing Co., Ltd. said. Xu is an operator who has worked in the workshop for more than 30 years. Talking about the rapid development of manufacturing automation in recent years, he said that he did not hate machines.
Machine substitution ",where will migrant workers go? Machine substitution' is not to replace people, but to encourage migrant workers to learn technology, from ordinary operators to skilled workers operating machines. Xu Qiang, a senior worker technician of Shenyang Blower Group Gear Compressor Co., Ltd., believes that the demand for technicians in enterprises is still strong.
However, the fact is that most migrant workers are not fully prepared to upgrade their skills. In 20 16, there were 282 million migrant workers in China, of whom only 35% had participated in skills training.
We should create a lifelong learning and promotion channel from vocational schools to enterprises, or issue guidance on skill allowance to urge human and social departments and enterprises to jointly implement it. At the same time, legislation stipulates that enterprises must undertake the obligation of vocational education.
On the premise of inclusiveness, provide flexible, multi-level, multi-choice and multi-mode continuous learning mechanism for migrant workers. For example, integrate vocational education and skills training resources, and include in-service migrant workers in key vocational training projects; Establish a vocational skills training center for in-service migrant workers; Establish a quality standard system for migrant workers' vocational skills training, and guide migrant workers to obtain vocational qualification certificates and special vocational ability certificates; Establish a business incubator base for migrant workers, and provide entrepreneurial counseling and guidance to eligible migrant workers.