The film tells the story of a senior spy who finds the son of his former colleague from the street. This man is an uneducated bastard, but after a series of training, this bastard has become a super spy like a gentleman.
An ordinary street thug, Agassi, got the chance to join a super mysterious spy organization-Kingsman because of his father. Harry, Agassi's father's friend, is Kinsman's ace agent. He was impressed by Agassi's qualifications. He hoped Agassi would seize this life-changing opportunity and ask him to join Kingsman.
To join this elite spy organization, Egesi must pass a series of challenging and dangerous tests to prove that he has all the abilities that a new ace agent should have, and at the same time, he must overcome the psychological barrier of being marginalized among his peers, because others are well educated, have rich interpersonal relationships and behave appropriately. At the same time, the global threat caused by a wrong-thinking scientific genius is spreading, and Agassi quickly becomes a super agent to help Harry stop this deadly threat.
The film premiered at BNAT Film Festival on 20 14, 12 and 13. In Chinese mainland market, the film was fully released in 2D, IMAX and China giant screen on March 27th, 20th15th? .