Dana's java curriculum standards are jointly formulated with Oracle-Sun Company * * *, and all students who take the Oracle-Sun certification examination can obtain the java learning certificate jointly issued by Oracle-Sun and Dana. If you pass the exam, you can not only get the java learning certificate issued by Oracle-Sun, but also get the SCJP certification certificate. If you fail, you will at least get a java learning certificate issued by Oracle-Sun. This certificate is only available to students in Dana, and other institutions do not have this right. In order to ensure the high pass rate of Dana students, two free SCJP exam guides will be organized, so that students who sign up for the exam can take the exam directly after taking counseling. If you are interested, click here to study for free.
For more information about Dana, I recommend consulting Dana Education. As a leading brand of IT training in China, every employee of Dana takes "helping every student realize his dream" as his own responsibility. IT is precisely because of Dana's persistence and efforts that Dana has successfully delivered many qualified talents to the society, provided more high-paying opportunities for college students in the IT industry, and made great contributions to the development of the IT industry in China. Dana IT training institutions, audition places are snapped up in a limited time.