Movie Name: Avatar
Global box office (USD): USD 2,782.3 million.
Film date: 20 10
Box office ranking: 2
Movie title: Titanic was the box office champion of 13.
Global box office (USD):184.32 million USD
Film date: 1997
Box office ranking: 3
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part Two)
Global box office (USD): USD 65,438+USD 03.8+USD 0 billion.
Film date: 20 1 1
Box office ranking: 4
Movie Name: transformers 3: When the Moon is Dark.
Global box office (USD): USD 65,438+065,438+23.2 million.
Film date: 20 1 1
Box office ranking: 5
The Lord of the Rings 3: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Global box office (USD): 1 1. 1.93 billion USD.
Film date: 2003
Box office ranking: 6
Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Treasure of Death
Global box office (USD):106.62 million USD
Film date: 2006
Box office ranking: 7
Movie Name: Toy Story 3.
Global box office (USD):106.32 million USD
Film date: 20 10
Box office ranking: 8
Pirates of the Caribbean 4: The Waves.
Global box office (USD):104.39 million USD
Film date: 20 1 1
Box office ranking: 9
Alice in Wonderland
Global box office (USD):102.43 million USD
Film date: 20 10
Box office ranking: 10
Batman Prequel 2: The Dark Knight
Global box office (USD):10438+0.9 billion USD.
Film date: 2008
Box office ranking: 1 1
Movie Name: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Global box office (USD): USD 974.8 million
Movie date: 200 1
Box office ranking: 12
Pirates of the Caribbean 3: The End of the World
Global box office (USD): USD 963.4 million
Film date: 2007
Box office ranking: 13
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (I)
Global box office (USD): USD 956.4 million
Film date: 20 10
Box office ranking: 14
Movie Name: The Lion King
Global box office (USD): 9516 million USD.
Film date: 1994
Box office ranking: 15
Movie Name: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Global box office (USD): USD 939.9 million
Film date: 2007