If you don't report for the self-study exam, you should analyze it according to your own personal situation. Don't blindly report classes, and don't blindly think that it is unnecessary to report classes. You can consider your learning ability. Do you have strong self-control in your studies? Is there enough study time? If you think about these three questions, you won't worry about whether you need to apply for classes. If you don't have enough time to study and your self-control is not strong, if you want to pass the self-study exam, sign up for a remedial class.
What are the advantages of upgrading to our training class?
The most important thing is to save your time and shorten your learning path. For some people with average qualifications and no foundation, many detours may be avoided through systematic training or the guidance of professional teachers. A lot of things you don't understand can be learned immediately, which is much better than groping for it yourself. This is a multiplier.
The training class has a complete teaching plan and professional lecturers, which can help you review systematically. Applying for self-taught counseling courses can help us to understand the knowledge system of the whole major more systematically and review and grasp the key points in a targeted manner. The training course has the advantages of professional teaching materials, real questions and teachers' answering questions, which self-study does not have.
More importantly, the self-study class can save us a lot of time, and we don't need to know a little about the policies of self-study registration and graduation application, nor do we need to screen the review materials ourselves. The training course has a deeper and more specific understanding of relevant policies, and it is also of great help to everyone when choosing majors and institutions.
If you have questions about the self-taught/adult-taught examination, don't know how to summarize the contents of the self-taught/adult-taught examination sites, and don't know the local policies for registering for the self-taught/adult-taught examination, click on the bottom to consult official website and get the review materials for free: /xl/