If you choose to take the self-study exam, on the one hand, you should make good use of the information on Huawei's certification official website to understand the content of HCIP exam and the key points of life exam.
HCIP is divided into different directions. You should choose the matching HCIP direction to study according to your career plan.
On the other hand, you should make good use of free online materials, including video materials, text materials, question banks and so on. , and collect from various channels to ensure your preparation.
I still have some HCIP reference materials in HCIE 1000, which can be collected by private mail if necessary.
Of course, there are still many difficulties and limitations in HCIP self-study. If possible, I suggest you enroll in a training institution.
Although HCIP certification is only the intermediate level of Huawei certification, it is still very difficult, and it will be a great test if you take the self-study exam.
With the help of training institutions, you don't need to know about the HCIP exam yourself, and you don't need to collect information everywhere. With the guidance of teachers when studying, the speed of obtaining certificates can be significantly improved.
Now you think that thousands of training institutions are expensive, but after you get a job in HCIP, you will find that the training cost is less than one month's salary.
Get the license early and enjoy it early. Generally, the speed of self-study and obtaining the certificate from the newspaper agency is more than one month, not to mention that working early can accumulate more work experience.
In addition to the second point, there are other benefits for reporting institutions to prepare HCIP.
For example, it can improve our chances of getting a certificate. HCIP is indeed much simpler than HCIE certification, but the exam is still very difficult, and quite a few people can't pass the HCIP exam at one time.
Although there is no guarantee that you will pass the exam once, after all, everyone's situation is different, and some people will fail because of improvisation.
However, the organization has experienced teachers, the latest and most comprehensive question bank and the conditions for exam simulation, which can maximize our chances of passing the exam.
Generally speaking, you are free to choose the method of preparing for HCIP, but from the perspective of the best effect, it is best to report to a training institution for preparing for HCIP.