The first part is to know words through affixes.
(commonly used prefix one)
(1) in front of a word or root, it means "no, nothing, no"
Asocial is not sociable (a+social is sociable).
Immoral (a+ moral; Note: immoral is immoral)
Do not care about politics. Not related to politics (a+ politics)
Anemia abnormality (a+ normal +ous)
(2) before this word, it means "in ..."
Sleeping is sleeping (a+ sleep)
Side is on the side (next to a+ side)
At the front (a+ head)
Live, live (a+ live, live)
A piece of Wang Yang. Overflow (a+ flushing)
Ab-and ABS- are added before the root, meaning "on the contrary, go bad and leave".
Abnormal (a b+ normal)
Abuse (a b+ use → bad use → abuse)
Absorption absorption (ab+sorb absorption → absorption)
Absence (ab+sent appears → does not appear → is absent)
Abduction abduction (a b+ duck guide → lead away → abduction)
Extreme poverty (a b+ throwing objects → throwing them away → poverty)
Abstract abstraction; Absent-minded (abs+tract pull → pull away → absent-minded)
Abstinence abstinence (abs+tain hold → no longer hold → abstinence)
Abscond abscond (abs+cond hide → hide → abscond)
Abolish (abs+cind cut → cut → abolish)
Abscess excision (abs+cise shearing → cutting → excision)
Abstinence and temperance; Abstinence (ABS+ tin holding +ense→ not holding → abstinence)
3.AB-, AC-, AD-, AF-, AG-, An-, AP-, AR-, As-, AT- are added before the root of the same consonant, which means "repetition" and so on.
Accelerated Company (Partner of AC+ Company → Company)
Emphasis on acceleration (AC+battery speed → constant acceleration)
Compromise and coercion (AC+ separate singing → repeated singing → emphasis)
Accumulation accumulation (AC+ Cumulus accumulation +ate→ accumulation → accumulation)
Habits form habits (AC+ Custom Custom → Custom Custom)
Addict is addicted and fascinated (ad+dict says → says and talks → is fascinated …)
Addictive (addictive adjective)
Illustration (advertisement+induced guidance → repeated guidance → illustration)
Amiable, affable (af+ fable speaks → can talk constantly → affable)
Affordable (af+ Ford takes it out → repeatedly takes it out {money} → affordable)
Confirmation (af+ company confirmation → confirmation)
Aggressive attack, attack (advance+ion → advance again → attack)
Strengthen expansion (ag+ grand and big → repeated and big → expansion [strength], etc. )
Aggravation (ag+grav weight +ate disease aggravation)
Announcement notice (announcement → notice)
Apparel is shocked (ap+pal is white → [face] turns white → frightened)
Applause (AP+ praise → praise again and again → applause)
Appreciation appreciation (ap+reci value +ate→ repeated quotation → appreciation)
Appointment (AP+ point means → designation)
Arrangement (ar+ range arrangement → arrangement)
Arrest, arrest, stop (ar+ rest → don't move → arrest)
Arrive (ar+rive River → reach the river → reach the target)
Assault attack (as+ Sol jump → jump → attack)
Hard work (as+sid sitting +uout→ sitting repeatedly [learning] → diligence)
Auxiliary help (as+ auxiliary station → stand → help)
Associate unite, combine (as+soci society +ate→ form a team → unite)
Assimilation and absorption; Assimilation (as+simil identity +ate→ becoming identity → assimilation)
Guarantee affirmation; Confirm (such as+confirm → no longer confirm → confirm)
Absorption absorption (ab+sorb absorption → absorption)
Absence (ab+sent appears → does not appear → is absent)
Abduction abduction (a b+ duck guide → lead away → abduction)
Extreme poverty (a b+ throwing objects → throwing them away → poverty)
Abstract abstraction; Absent-minded (abs+tract pull → pull away → absent-minded)
Abstinence abstinence (abs+tain hold → no longer hold → abstinence)
Abscond abscond (abs+cond hide → hide → abscond)
Abolish (abs+cind cut → cut → abolish)
Abscess excision (abs+cise shearing → cutting → excision)
Abstinence and temperance; Abstinence (ABS+ tin holding +ense→ not holding → abstinence)
3.AB-, AC-, AD-, AF-, AG-, An-, AP-, AR-, As-, AT- are added before the root of the same consonant, which means "repetition" and so on.
Accelerated Company (Partner of AC+ Company → Company)
Emphasis on acceleration (AC+battery speed → constant acceleration)
Compromise and coercion (AC+ separate singing → repeated singing → emphasis)
Accumulation accumulation (AC+ Cumulus accumulation +ate→ accumulation → accumulation)
Habits form habits (AC+ Custom Custom → Custom Custom)
Addict is addicted and fascinated (ad+dict says → says and talks → is fascinated …)
Addictive (addictive adjective)
Illustration (advertisement+induced guidance → repeated guidance → illustration)
Amiable, affable (af+ fable speaks → can talk constantly → affable)
Affordable (af+ Ford takes it out → repeatedly takes it out {money} → affordable)
Confirmation (af+ company confirmation → confirmation)
Aggressive attack, attack (advance+ion → advance again → attack)
Strengthen expansion (ag+ grand and big → repeated and big → expansion [strength], etc. )
Aggravation (ag+grav weight +ate disease aggravation)
Announcement notice (announcement → notice)
Apparel is shocked (ap+pal is white → [face] turns white → frightened)
Applause (AP+ praise → praise again and again → applause)
Appreciation appreciation (ap+reci value +ate→ repeated quotation → appreciation)
Appointment (AP+ point means → designation)
Arrangement (ar+ range arrangement → arrangement)
Arrest, arrest, stop (ar+ rest → don't move → arrest)
Arrive (ar+rive River → reach the river → reach the target)
Assault attack (as+ Sol jump → jump → attack)
Hard work (as+sid sitting +uout→ sitting repeatedly [learning] → diligence)
Auxiliary help (as+ auxiliary station → stand → help)
Associate unite, combine (as+soci society +ate→ form a team → unite)
Assimilation and absorption; Assimilation (as+simil identity +ate→ becoming identity → assimilation)
Guarantee affirmation; Confirm (such as+confirm → no longer confirm → confirm)
Attach; Attachment (at+tachometer joint angle → contact → attachment)
Reach; Acquisition (at+t hold → acquisition)
Participate in (at+tend care → care → go out)
Attract attraction (pull → pull over → attract)
Proof confirmation (at+ test → repeat test → confirmation) added before a word or root, meaning "do …, strengthen …"
Adaptation (ad+apt ability → adaptability)
Skilled (adaptability → ability to do things → skilled)
Adoption; Adopt (ad+opt select → select out → adopt)
Insist on persistence (ad+ Insist here → Insist together → Insist)
Adjacent (ad+ adjacent lying → lying together → adjacent)
Adjacency is tight; Adjacency (ad+join participation → unite together → approach)
Administrative management; Administrative personnel (minister Ministr +ate→ minister → management)
Admire and envy (ad+ quagmire surprise → surprise; Envy)
Shadow prediction (ad+umbr shadow +ate→[ future] shadow appearance → prediction)
Adjustment (ad+just+ correct → correct → adjustment)
Adventure (ad+venture adventure)
Warning warning, warning (ad+mon warning +ish→ repeated warning)
It's arrival, it's coming (ad+ is venting → it's coming)
5.amphi- means "two, two"
Amphibians Amphibians (Amphibia+Double Life+An → Double Life → Amphibia)
Amphibious Vehicle Amphibious Vehicle (Amphibious+Automobile Vehicle → Amphibious Vehicle) means "nothing, nothing" before the root.
Anarchism Anarchism (security+arch rule+ism → no rule → anarchism)
Disharmonious (security+harmony → disharmony)
Noise elimination (an+echo +ic→ noise elimination)
Anonymity (an+ anonymous name +ou→ anonymous)
7, ana-meaning "wrong, beside, separate"
Analogy analogy; Similarity (anal+logy Talk → Side Talk → Talk about the same thing → Similarity)
Similar (analogical adjective)
Analysis (analysis+pyrolysis separation → separation → analysis)
8.ante- means "front, first"
Write the date in advance; Before, before (advance+date → write date in advance)
In front of the front (front+front […] → front)
Precedent (aute+ced Go +ent→ forward [things] → things before)
9. Oppose means "oppose, on the contrary"
Anti-war (war against+war)
Antipathy antipathy (anti+pathos)
The opposition of opposites; Anti-theory (anti+thesis; Viewpoint)
Antimicrobial (antibacterial)
Antibody antibody (anti-soma)
10, human, human-human
Anthropology [anthropology … scholar] Anthropology
Anthropologist [anthropologist, sociologist, scholar] anthropologist
human geography
Anthropomorphic [anthropomorphic, deformed, -ous…] Having or resembling a human form.
Anthropology [Anthropology Sociology] Anthropology Sociology
1 1, people -( 1) are popular.
Population [population → residents,-noun suffix] All residents, population
Popular [popular people → residents,-our …] population is dense.
Populate[ popular person, -ate verb suffix, make …, do …] makes people live in …, concentrates the population on …, and immigrates to …
Re-filling [again, again, see above] makes people live in …
Reduce the population of (a place)
Popular [see above, -ity noun suffix, indicating nature] popular, popular
Popularize [see above, -ize… make …] (make) popular, (make) popular, popularize
Popularizer, promoter
Popularize [see above,-action means behavior] popularize, popularize, popularize
Civilians, the masses
People-(2) Dem (O)
Democracy [democratic people, democratic rule; "Rule by Man" → People's Decision →】 Democracy; Democracy, democracy; democratism
Democrats [see above, Clutter advocates] Democratic rule.
Democracy [see above,-ism] democracy
Democratization [see above, -ize…] Democratization; Democratize
Democracy [see above,-IC ...] Democracy, democracy; democratic
Demography [presenter → quantity, population, geography writing, recording → statistics]
Demography [see above,-IC ...] Demography
Epidemics [epi- between …, dem people,-IC …; "Deeply rooted in people's hearts" →】 Popular and infectious; epidemic
Epidemiology [see above, -io- connectives, -logy… Epidemiology]
Epidemiologist [see above,-scientist … scholar] epidemiologist
Epidemiology [see above,-logic ...] Epidemiology
Male -( 1) male
A hermaphrodite man, a hermaphrodite person.
Androgyny [male, female, -ism stands for natural state] half male and half female.
Male -(2) female
Male, suffix of male adjective, … male, male, male, fertile.
Masculinity [see above, -ism stands for phenomenon] masculinity
Masculinity [see above, -ity stands for nature] masculinity, male fertility, male adulthood
Female-(1) gyn (o); gynec(o)
Gynecology [gynecology, gynecology ... gynecology]
A woman, a woman.
Female-(2) FEM; Feimin
Female [fem female, female] female, female; female
Feminine, feminine
Feminine [femininity,-sex means nature] women, the characteristics of women.
Femininity [female(e (e) female, -ity stands for nature] femininity, femininity, and femininity as a whole.
Feminism [feminism, -ism] feminism; [-ism stands for behavior] feminist movement
Female; Madame
Is it?
Form a verb, meaning "make ..."
Lie cover-up
Bequeath to (be+queath asks → find someone → leave it)
Siege siege (be+ siege → siege)
Careful attention
Be friendly (become+friends)
Befool cheating (be a fool → be a fool → cheat others)
Arrival arrival; Happen (be+ fall → fall → happen)
Look down upon
Confusing confusion
(2) Form some prepositions
Before is in front
Below (below be+next)
13, bene- means "good, good"
Benewolent is kind (bene+vol will +ent→ kind).
Merit is good; Grace (grace+fact+ion → good deeds)
Benefit benefit (bene+ is suitable for doing → benefit after doing something → benefit)
Bene+diction Blessing (Benedict said+ion → well said)
Kindness, kindness
14, bi- stands for "two, two"
Biweekly Biweekly (double+week+week +ly→ two weeks)
Bilingual Bilingual (bi+ Gu Linyu +al→ Bilingual)
Biennale (bi+enn years +ial→ Biennale).
Twice a year (twice a year+twice a year → twice a year)
15, by- means "beside, vice"
By-product by-product (by-product+product)
Byroad side road (by+road road)
Bypass (Bypass+Bypass)
Bypass bypass; Ignore (ignore+ignore → ignore → ignore)
Through work sideline
16, circound- means "around, around"
Ring cutting (ring cutting+ring cutting → ring cutting)
Perimeter Perimeter (Perimeter +Fer Band →ence→ Band Circle → Perimeter)
Travel around the world (travel around+navigation)
Limit (writing around+scribing → specifying range → limiting)
Be cautious (surround+stand → stand around → environment)
Avoidance avoidance (bypass+exit → bypass → avoidance)
17, co- stands for "* * * with", which is usually placed before the vowel root.
Cooperation (co+operation operation → * * same operation → cooperation)
Coagulation (co+agul coagulation +ate→ coagulation)
United trade unions; Cooperation (co+al=ally alliance +esce)
Coexistence * * * exists (co+exist exists)
Cohesion and adhesion; Adhesion (co+ adhesion here → adhesion together)
Coincidence, coincidence, coincidence (co+in+cidefalls → * * * falls together → coincidence)
Side by side: equal (co+ordin order +ate→ same order → equal extension; Coordination)
18, col-, cor means "* * * with" before the same consonant root.
Collaboration; Co-author (col+labor +ation→*** with labor)
Coordinate, arrange (col+loc place +ate→ put in the same place → arrange)
Colanguage in the same language (col+gu linyu +al→ same language)
Folding (col+ failed sliding → all sliding → folding)
Proofreading Proofreading (column+delayed → put together → proofreading)
Collateral parallel (col+ posterior side →al→ periphery → parallel)
Colleagues and colleagues (col+→ alliance binding → binder → colleagues)
Collection set (col+select → select together → collect)
College; Student's (col+legi reading +ate→*** study together → university's)
Spoken language (spoken language+spoken language +ial→ two people talking together → oral conversation)
Collusion * * collusion (col+lus plays +ion→*** play → * * * collusion)
Correct, correct, correct (cor+rect is correct → all correct → correct)
Correspondence communication; Coincidence (cor+respond Reaction → * * Same Reaction → Mutual Communication)
Corruption and degeneration; Ring replacement (cor+rupt breakage → total breakage → deterioration and damage)
Correctable (correction+rig correction+feasible → all correction)
Confirmatory verification (cor+ robot power +ate→ using power → verification)
19, com-, con- means "* * * with"
Combination, combination (combination+combination binding → binding together → combination)
Compassion and compassion (com+ passionate patriots → compatriots)
Compatriots (com+ patriots move → everyone moves together → unrest)
Praise praise; Recommended (com+mend trust; Command → trust → praise; Reference; Recommended)
Commemorative commemoration (com+memorial+ate → let's remember → commemorate)
Commensurable equality, proportionality (com+mensur measurement +able→ measures that can be put together → equality)
Comparison (com+pariequality+son → equal together → comparison)
Compact and compact; Contract (compaction → complete compaction → compaction)
Comfort (com+ Fortress Strengthening → [Spiritual] Power → Comfort)
Spacious (com+mod move+IOUS → * * move together → move position → spacious)
Compete competition (com+pete chasing → chasing together → competition)
Component (com+pon put +ent→ piece something together → component)
Compression compression (com+ pressure → pressing together → compression)
Contemporary (con+ Temple Age +ary→ Contemporary)
The conclusion is over; Summary (including Close → Close All → End)
Confirmation is firm; Confirmation (con+ Company)
Condensation condensation; Concentration (con+dense)
Consolidate, strengthen (con+ consolidation +ate→ become everyone's property → confiscate)
Conflict conflict (conflict+conflict fighting → fighting together → conflict)
Convection and confluence (convection+influenza flow +ENCE → * * * parallel flow → confluence)
Aggregation set, aggregation (con+greg set +ate → gather together → aggregate)
Console comfort (console+sole comfort → common comfort)
Contra- means "against, on the contrary"
Contradiction and opposition (opposition+opposition → opposition)
Refute; refute; Contradiction (contra+dict Theory → Opposition Theory → Refutation)
Violate (contra+vene go→ go in the opposite direction → violate)
Contraband smuggling (Contra+bandleader → illegal activities → smuggling; Reference: Forbidden)
2 1.counter- means "against, on the contrary"
Resist confrontation; Offset (reaction+action → reaction → confrontation)
Competition (competition+balance → both sides are the same → achieve balance)
Cancel the cancellation (counter+command command → counter command → cancel [command])
22. Germany-
(1) means "get rid of, go bad, leave, slow down, descend" and so on.
Destroys (de+struct structure; Build+Ion → Destroy Structure → Destroy)
Desalination and desalting (de+ salt → desalting)
Deforestation (de+ Forest Forest → Remove Forest)
Depreciation reduces value (de+value → remove value)
Press, press (release+press pressure → downward pressure → press)
Get off (de+train train)
Deceleration deceleration (deceleration+acceleration +ATE → deceleration)
Decoding decoding (de+ code password → delete password)
Defamation (virtue+reputation → reputation deterioration → slander)
It means "make ... become, strengthen" and so on.
Delineate the boundary (de+ limit → strengthen the limit)
Description (de+pict picture → change into picture → description)
Design design; Floor plan (logo with de+ as logo → design)
Definition definition; Clear (define boundary → draw boundary → define)
23. Di-
(1) said "two, double"
Dichroism (bicolor+bicolor+monochrome → dichroism)
Dioxide Dioxide (II+Oxygen +ide → Dioxide)
Dilemma is in a dilemma (di+ Lemma Argument → Two Arguments → Dilemma)
Dichotomy is divided into two parts, and then into two parts (dicho=di+tom cutting +ize→ cut into two parts).
It means "make ... become, separate, leave"
Expansion, expansion and expansion (di+ slow release → separate opening → expansion)
Dilution Dilution (di+lute flushing → flushing → dilution)
Digestion and digestion; (di+gest band → take it down → digest → digest essence → abstract)
Reduce; Disappearing (di+mini small +ish→ decrease, decrease) Reverse actions are retrogression and reaction (reverse+action → reverse action → reverse action).