Vocational education is employment education.
Beida Jade Bird has been practicing the educational essence of "vocational education is employment education" to help students find jobs successfully. Return to the true nature of vocational education, adhere to the educational concept of "educating people as the foundation and teachers' love as the soul" and the Jade Bird school motto of "cultivating professional quality internally and shaping professional skills externally".
Professional office software training
Beida Jade Bird provides you with professional office software training, so that you can easily master the necessary skills in the workplace. Courses such as BCSP software development specialty, BCNT network operation and maintenance specialty, BCUI full link UI design, BCVE video special effects specialty are offered to ensure the post applicability, technology and advancement of the course content.
Based on job requirements
Beida Jade Bird provides high-quality and comprehensive teaching resources for enterprises based on job requirements and industry job skills, and transports urgently needed talents that meet job requirements. It is our unswerving pursuit to let students learn something and use it in enterprises.
Enhance the competitiveness of the workplace
Beida Jade Bird office software training makes it easy for you to master the necessary skills in the workplace and enhance the competitiveness in the workplace. Join us and start a new chapter in your workplace!