Adversity quotient (AQ) is the full name of adversity quotient, which is generally translated as frustration quotient or adversity quotient. Refers to the way people cope with adversity, that is, the ability to face setbacks, get rid of difficulties and surmount difficulties.
3Q has become an indispensable magic weapon for people's success. Some experts even asserted that 100% success = IQ (20%)+ EQ and AQ (80% sum * * *).
A large number of data show that in the increasingly fierce market economy in 2 1 century, the success of college students' entrepreneurship depends not only on whether they have strong entrepreneurial awareness, skilled professional skills and excellent management skills, but also on their ability to face setbacks, get rid of difficulties and surmount difficulties to a greater extent.
Therefore, in the process of implementing entrepreneurship education, college educators should pay attention to the cultivation of adversity quotient. Actively cultivate college students' adversity quotient, so that they can form a good way of thinking and reaction in the face of adversity, and enhance their willpower and ability to get rid of difficulties. So as to improve the success rate of college students' entrepreneurship.