One of the skills
Build the relationship between buyers and sellers. Salespeople need to have a better understanding of the buying process after the customer really makes a decision and when they make a decision. Then, the salesperson needs to match his sales process with the customer's purchase process. After doing this, when they reach an agreement on the most feasible solution, the salesperson will start to have close contact with the customer.
The second skill
Plan a sales call. Nowadays, most companies lack a well-defined sales process. Few documented sales practices can make customers make strong commitments. Therefore, the sales staff did not plan the sales call correctly. For example, every call should end with a promise that the customer agrees to do something or advance the sales process.
The third skill
Ask the right questions. Most salespeople don't ask the right questions. Even if they prepare questions in advance before making a sales call, most people will not. Poor questioning skills have a great impact. This will lead to delay and opposition, poor demonstration of incorrect solutions, no difference from competitors, and missed sales opportunities.
Skill four
Business mind. If you want to help your customers become more successful, you need to know how enterprises usually operate, how your customers' industries operate, how your customers achieve their market goals, and how your products can help them better serve their own customers. Without business skills, you will never have the credibility needed for sales.
The fifth skill
Listen actively. Salespeople missed important clues and information because they kept talking about themselves and their products. More importantly, keep your mouth shut and let customers talk. Yes, you should guide the dialogue and then listen and digest it correctly. We know what many customers really need so that you can position your products correctly.
Skill six
Propose meaningful solutions. Most salespeople claim that this is their best skill. In fact, as managers, we tend to hire people who have a glib tongue. In fact, when making a presentation, quality is far more important than quantity. When salespeople focus on proposing specific solutions to previously agreed requirements, they rarely fail.
Skill seven
Get a promise. If you really consider this, the only reason to hire a salesperson is to get the customer's commitment. However, when asked this question, most salespeople admit that this is their weakest skill. Research shows that nearly two-thirds of salespeople don't ask for commitment in sales calls. Any effective sales training plan must have a reliable solution to this problem.
Skill eight
Manage your emotions. It is very important for salespeople to explain to themselves the way of success and failure. Form a style, regard adversity as temporary and independent, and build up psychological impact resistance, emotional resilience and patience, so as to cheer up from setbacks and take the initiative to attack at an appropriate time.
Skill nine
Put on a white robe and pretend to be an expert. To some extent, we are still influenced by the "fear of authority" in our early years. In fact, "fear of authority" is harmless, but people have abused this weakness to a rampant extent. Have you noticed what the cosmetics counters in some department stores are wearing? It's a white robe worn by laboratory researchers! Isn't that strange? Why do they wear white robes? The reason is that white robes make them look like experts. This kind of dress makes us feel that they are more credible and easier to believe what they say.
Hint 10
Choice is more important than hard work, find your own suitable platform, and don't be cheated by the company.