The initial cadastral survey involves all land use units and individuals in the survey area. Therefore, before the first cadastral survey, it is generally necessary to set up a leading group led by the local government and attended by relevant departments to study and solve major problems in the work and deal with disputes over land ownership.
Initial cadastral survey can be divided into three stages:
(1) Prepare work plan, technical design and personnel training.
(2) Ownership investigation: according to the initial land registration application, investigate and verify the land user, parcel location, boundary and use, carry out field demarcation, measure the length of boundary, fill in the questionnaire and draw the parcel sketch.
(3) Cadastral survey: including field work such as cadastral control survey and detailed cadastral survey, as well as indoor work such as original cadastral map, area survey, data summary and statistics, and inspection and acceptance of results.
After initial cadastral survey and initial land registration, the ownership and use of land have changed, and land has been divided and merged. Land users should apply for land change registration. For the project applying for change, the cadastral survey at any time is called the change cadastral survey, which is a daily work of cadastral management. Cadastral change survey includes land change project ownership survey and cadastral change survey, and the original cadastral survey data is revised according to the survey results to provide information for land change registration.