In enterprise recruitment, many people require that passing the exam is preferred. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security has listed enterprise human resource managers in the third batch of national professional standards.
If you have no HR work experience and want to engage in HR work, it is very basic to take this exam, and you can systematically study HR theory and practice. Secondly, you have a better chance of winning when applying for this certificate.
Application conditions:
Take Shandong as the column:
Assistant Human Resource Manager (National Level III)
Education: high school, technical secondary school years of work: 6 years.
Three years in college
Undergraduate course 1 year
Human Resource Manager (National Level II)
Education: senior high school or above, working years: 13 years.
Undergraduate course 5 years
Have obtained the third-class certificate for 3 years.
Senior Human Resources Manager (national level)
Education: Bachelor degree: 9 years.
Master's degree for 6 years
Doctor 3 years
Have obtained the second-class certificate for 3 years.
1 year undergraduate course means that you can apply for the exam one year after graduation, and you can also apply for non-majors. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security has set high registration requirements. In fact, the requirements for assistant managers are not so strict. You can consult local training institutions.