How many classes are there in each grade of Xiyuan Middle School in Lianyungang?
Xiyuan Middle School is a training center for junior high schools in compulsory education. There are 37 classes, with students 18 17 and faculty 138, including full-time teachers 130. The training center covers an area of 18000M2, with a building area of 15390M2, an average land area of1.25m2 and a green area of 8500M2, accounting for 47.2% of the total area. Special classrooms and laboratories are complete, teaching facilities are complete, and the campus environment is beautiful. The main building of the school building mainly includes two buildings, namely, office building and teaching complex building. There are complete special classrooms such as library, reading room, reference room, network computer room, art calligraphy classroom, music classroom and various laboratories. There is a football field and two basketball courts, surrounded by a 250-meter circular plastic track, which can hold a school-wide comprehensive sports meeting. The campus is full of green grass and trees, which creates a good environment for the healthy growth of students.