Their courses are mainly to improve learning ability and cultivate life and study habits. Children's learning ability is good, and the knowledge they learn will soon be integrated. We often say that if they have no learning ability, mechanical learning will not last long, and people's memory is limited. They can't learn knowledge flexibly, and it will be more difficult to learn in senior grades. In school life, primary schools are not like kindergartens. Each class is equipped with a toilet, and you can go whenever you want. Primary schools have rules that children need to follow in class. Some children who are just in the first grade can't tie up when the girl's braid falls off, and the boy's shoelaces can't tie up when they are loose. These basic life skills and school rules are not developed, which is worse than not knowing pinyin and arithmetic. Parents should also make a good emotional intelligence reserve for their children and exercise their communication skills, so that children can get along well with teachers and classmates when they go to primary school, feel happy every day and learn better naturally.