Where can I apply for a forklift license in Shenyang? Please tell me the detailed address!
The place where Shenyang handles forklift license should be in the Quality Supervision Bureau. There are two kinds of forklift licenses, operation license and grade license. The operation certificate is the certificate of this job, which should be handled by the Quality Supervision Bureau. Special operations personnel must receive special safety technical training suitable for this type of work, pass the theoretical examination of safety technology and practical operation skills examination, and obtain the operation certificate of special operations before taking up their posts. Those who have not been trained or failed the training examination shall not be allowed to work at their posts. The grade certificate must be handled in the labor bureau, which is the proof that the laborer has the necessary knowledge and skills to engage in a certain occupation. It is the qualification certificate for workers to apply for jobs, take up posts and start businesses, the main basis for employers to recruit workers, and the effective certificate for overseas employment and foreign labor cooperation personnel to notarize their skill level. It is a proof of technical level, which is mainly used for large factories to increase wages. If you have experience and skills, you can handle forklifts, cranes, electricians and electric welding directly now. I can help you. It can be found on the internet all over the country. If you do not understand, please ask again.