Therefore, you should find a cost-effective way to learn IT technology. At present, the most important thing is to spend the best money, so as to really learn technology! Isn't it?
In the Internet industry, the hottest industry is IT, so if you are ready, join it quickly.
In terms of technology, you can start with java. After all, it is simple and easy to get started, and if you learn well, your confidence in yourself will be greatly increased.
Of course, popular languages such as python, algorithms, artificial intelligence, and blockchain can also be used, but these thresholds are high and require algorithmic knowledge.
Learning algorithms requires knowledge of C, C++ and data structures, but these linguistics are very difficult, so it is best to learn from java.
If you don't know how to start, I can give you some advice.
Hope to adopt!
Question types and quantity of resident training examination: the question types are multiple-choice questions, accounting for 70% an