Before making a choice about preparing for the exam, we should first understand the advantages and disadvantages of self-study and training courses, and then choose according to our own situation to find out the most suitable preparation method.
According to statistics, most GMAT candidates spend an average of 50 to 100 hours preparing for the GMAT exam, and the review period is 2 to 4 months. Many students sign up for classes directly, because GMAT needs more preparation, and many students choose to teach themselves. Of course, the advantages and disadvantages of the two mainstream ways are completely different from person to person, and there is no difference in themselves. In addition to learning methods, you need to prepare sufficient review materials, various problem-solving methods and skills and model test materials. In addition, a perfect study plan is also essential.
Many GMAT training courses are equipped with some experienced teachers, who often teach some unique learning and preparation skills based on their years of teaching experience. These contents are difficult to learn without class. You can also ask the teacher for advice on various problems found in the preparation process, which makes it easier to get accurate guidance and improve efficiency.
For those students who want to greatly improve their GMAT scores or get high GMAT scores, it is easier to achieve their goals in class than in self-study. If the examinee's own economic situation is good, and at the same time, it is not suitable for self-study learning method, then the training class will be the most suitable learning method for you.