The base is located in Liyuan Village, Tangdi Town, Anlu City, with convenient transportation and simple folk customs. Having perfect teaching facilities, living facilities and sports and cultural facilities; There are multimedia classrooms, Hongzhi classrooms, psychological consultation rooms, mental reading rooms, emotional venting rooms, interest clubs, standardized gymnasiums, canteens and so on. There are 9 students/room in the student dormitory, with separate toilets.
Base education mainly focuses on moral and legal system, psychological counseling, cultural counseling, military training, behavior correction, habit formation and other aspects to carry out comprehensive correction education. In order to ensure the correction effect, there are 7-9 students in a class, each class is equipped with an instructor, and well-known adolescent psychologists and experienced cultural teachers are hired to form a cultural counseling team to help children regain their self-confidence and reshape themselves with heart, affection and love.