This school is public.
School hours 1998
The city there is Taiyuan.
The size of students is 3,000-5,000.
There are 234 teachers.
The school covers an area of 200 mu.
Postal code 03003 1
Address: No.25 Xutan East Street, Taiyuan
Contact QQ:332800 13 If you still don't understand anything, you can visit its website directly:
/schools/ 1009/
Shanxi Huli Vocational Training School-Shanxi Tourism Cooking College ...
Establish vocational schools with each other, be pioneers of vocational education, and be brave in exploration. Registration address: Shanxi Datong Huli Vocational Training School (Gangnan, Datong Municipal Government 100 meters) Tel: 0352-5021640 50238461359 3006069 Bus route: take in the city 1 1.
Its website is /type.asp? typeID= 10