IELTS scoring criteria: IELTS scoring criteria include: language fluency and coherence, vocabulary conversion, sentence richness and grammatical accuracy. IELTS is graded by the examiners of pronunciation according to these four grading standards, which are equally important. The recruitment and training of IELTS writing and speaking examiners are conducted in accordance with established standards, so as to ensure that raters understand the IELTS scoring policy and effectively grade listening and reading papers according to the scoring standards. Each test center will carry out system monitoring, and a certain proportion of answer sheets will be double-marked. In addition to continuously monitoring the performance of examiners, examiners will be evaluated every other year to ensure that they are graded according to the standards. All test scores are recorded on the report card, including a total score and four individual scores of listening, reading, writing and speaking. Candidates' test scores are evaluated by the scoring system of 1-9, with four independent scores. The total score is the average of the scores of the four parts, rounded off. The total score is allowed to be half, and the individual score is allowed to be four.