2. Aluminum alloy building formwork has high strength, high precision and few flat-fell joints on the board.
3. The construction is convenient, and the aluminum alloy building formwork is easy to assemble, which can be assembled manually or hoisted into pieces by machinery.
4, standardized construction, high turnover times, normal use can reach 300 times.
5. Wide application range. Use aluminum alloy building formwork, wall formwork, horizontal floor slab, column, beam and climbing formwork.
6. The surface quality of concrete is flat and smooth, which can achieve the effect of facing or fair-faced concrete.
7, short construction period, 2~3 times faster than the general template construction.
8. The bearing capacity is large, and the aluminum alloy formwork can bear 30KN per square meter.
9. The recycling value is high. Aluminum alloy building formwork has high residual value and obvious cost sharing advantage.