Dds training
"Detective Academy Q" is a TV animation of the same name based on the original works of Tianshu Masamaru and Sato's detective comics, which was produced by pierrot Studio. It premiered on the evening of April 15, 2003 in TBS, Japan, and the last episode was broadcast on March 20th, 2004. At this point, the animation is over, 45 episodes.

Chinese mainland was published by Miley Miley.


The protagonist Q is a junior with average academic performance, but he always has a wish: to become the world's largest detective.

When Q learned that there was a school "DDS" for training detectives in the city where he lived, he went to the entrance examination center of "DDS". On the way to take the entrance examination of DDS, Q met Mei Nanhui, a girl with "instant memory", Kintarou Tooyama, an iron man with extraordinary abilities, and Xiao Wusheng, a talented programmer, and took the entrance examination together.

However, when Q and others conducted the final experiment of DDS, Q got to know Tian, a talented and indifferent beautiful boy. Later, after a series of experiments by Duan Shouyan, the president of DDS, Q and others were arranged by the group teacher to go to the special class of the college and started a new life in the detective college.