Especially when the overall environment of e-commerce is not very mature, network marketing will be the entry point for enterprises, marketing institutions, especially small and medium-sized enterprises to enter e-commerce.
The development of network economy promotes the development of network marketing concept. Especially due to the great role of the Internet in changing everything and the successful practice of modern marketing concepts, new marketing concepts emerge one after another. Therefore, the concept of network marketing has become the focus of some consulting websites and the opportunity to make a fortune. Although there is a similar situation in e-commerce consultation, relatively speaking, the phenomenon of online marketing consultation and training is more serious.
Due to China's huge marketing team. Many people are facing the transformation from traditional marketing to network marketing. Driven by the market and lured by business opportunities, a considerable number of online marketing consulting websites are "on fire". Published many related articles. Among them, there are successful scientific explorations, phased summaries of practical experience, rare insights, and of course, deliberate innovation and even irresponsible "concept plagiarism". Some consulting companies have taken a fancy to business opportunities, or sent those specious things to them for sale, or made inquiries with various attractive auras. It is really misleading.