The full name of BSCI factory inspection is the Business Social Compliance Initiative, which is an organization that advocates the business community to abide by social responsibilities. That is, to advocate the business community to abide by the social responsibility audit of the global suppliers of BSCI members by social responsibility organizations.
It mainly includes: observing the law, freedom of association and collective bargaining, prohibition of discrimination, remuneration, working hours and workplace safety? Prohibition of child labor, forced labor, environment and safety.
It requires companies to use BSCI monitoring system to continuously improve the social responsibility standards of production plants around the world. The organization was established in March 2003 by the Foreign Trade Association FTA. Suitable for all industries. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium.
Its advantages are:
At present, BSCI has attracted more than 300 members from 1 1 countries, most of whom are European retailers and buyers. The advantage is that it can meet the requirements of local laws and regulations to a greater extent, broaden new markets and enhance corporate image.
It can make consumers have a good positive impression on their products, enhance the image and status of the factory, stabilize cooperation with buyers, improve relations with employees, and financially support suppliers to implement and improve social standards.