Some experts and professors organize teaching or stop multi-subject pre-test counseling, but experts are not limited. I also have my own business to do, so there are not many training institutions I can hire.
In a long-established training institution, teachers are familiar with exams and outlines, and they teach them carefully. At present, most of the institutions certified by the Social Security Bureau have compounded this threshold;
In addition to correspondence and training institutions with off-site training qualifications, there are also some cross-regional training institutions, most of which are low-cost enrollment and off-site examinations. There is no way to guarantee the passing rate and teaching ability of such schools, so try not to choose such schools or training institutions for the sake of cheapness.
The passing rate of second-level psychological counselors is lower than that of third-level psychological counselors because it will be more difficult. Senior experts in psychology in China suggest that in order to improve the passing rate of second-level psychological counselors, we must carefully choose training institutions, so as to ensure the passing rate of the exam.