Fashion circle etiquette training is an academic exchange website built by image managers, etiquette trainers, image etiquette lecturers and other image etiquette lovers. Fashion circle etiquette training provides etiquette trainer courses for etiquette trainers. Since 2002, the fashion circle has done 17 image etiquette training.
Before 2008, 47 standardized international etiquette classes were held, and then 73 training camps for registered etiquette trainers were held, with a total of 120 etiquette classes. For more than ten years, they have personally experienced the enlightenment, imitation and maturity of Chinese etiquette, and the purpose of running a school has gradually changed from initial profit to public welfare. The ultimate goal of training is public welfare!
Bodybuilding training is a beautiful and elegant fitness program. By stretching beautiful basic dance exercises (based on ballet), combining classical dance, body rhyme and folk dance, comprehensive training can shape people's beautiful figure, cultivate elegant temperament and correct incorrect posture in life. It can be said that it is the foundation of all sports.
In a narrow sense, physical training defines it as physical beauty training. In a broad sense, physical training can be called physical training as long as there are physical movements, so all kinds of movements can be called physical training, and even some stylized movements in service industries, such as welcoming guests, serving food, delivering vegetables, etiquette and posture, are also called physical training.