Principle of laser acne removal: Through the irradiation of high-intensity dye laser with a specific wavelength, acne propionate can be quickly destroyed, acne and scars can be removed, and the reproduction of bacteria can be inhibited, so as to eliminate the stimulation and damage to tissues, and at the same time, the dilated capillaries can be rapidly contracted, the congestion, swelling and inflammation can be quickly subsided, and acne scars or acne marks can be avoided in the future. Most toothpastes contain mint, which has a cool feeling, thus misleading beauty seekers. According to experts from Beijing Lido D.I.O.R Skin Management Center, applying toothpaste to the skin where acne is located can only temporarily relieve pain, but don't forget that toothpaste contains fluoride, which will stimulate hair follicles and make acne more serious, so don't listen to rumors that toothpaste treats acne.
If you have acne, you don't have to worry about leaving acne marks or scars without proper care. These can be effectively improved, and photon rejuvenation is a good method. I believe that everyone has experienced many misunderstandings about beauty acne removal methods. It is not difficult to get rid of acne safely, effectively and thoroughly. At present, there are two commonly used methods, and I hope you can find the most suitable one. Some people say that sticking the salon pass on acne can uproot acne the next day! This is a very incorrect method. The acne is covered by the salon pass, and it is difficult to breathe, or it is impossible to breathe at all, which makes some toxic substances unable to be discharged, which eventually leads to more and more serious acne.