ф o27001standard aims to be compatible with other management standards such as ISO9000 and ISO 1400 1. The original intention of the numbering system and document management requirements in this standard is to provide good compatibility, so as to organize the establishment of such a management system: recommend a www.cxdguangli.com ISO 27001certification body.
Integrate into any other management system that the organization is using to the maximum extent. Generally speaking, organizations usually use organizations that provide certification services for their ISO9000 certification or other management system certification to provide ISO2700 1 certification services. It is for this reason that the experience of quality management plays an important role in the process of establishing ISMS system.
However, it should be noted that if an organization does not use any form of management system in advance, it does not mean that it cannot carry out ISO2700 1 certification. In this case, the organization should consider the economic benefits and choose a certification body with a suitable management system to provide certification services. Certification bodies must be authorized by national certification bodies to provide certification services for certification bodies and issue certification certificates. Most countries have their own national certification bodies (such as UKAS and Britain), and any organization authorized by this body to carry out ISMS certification has records.