1. Transitive verb: force (through laws, obligations, etc.). )
Help (as required or needed)
Morphological changes: noun: obliger;; Tense: clearly, clearly, clearly.
Synonym: accommodate; ; Holding, binding and undertaking obligations; Force, force.
Antonym: disoblige.
Word analysis: These verbs all mean "force".
Coercion: refers to being forced to act under the drive of law, power, force or action.
Coercion: refers to forcing others to change their views or do things they don't want to do by personal will, power, authority or violence.
Constraint: Emphasis on constraint or binding influence, also refers to the influence imposed on people by the environment to force people to do something, especially driven by internal forces such as conscience and emotion.
Oblige: it refers to urging someone to do something because of physical or moral needs, or forcing someone to do something by an authoritative person or institution, or it can refer to a forced reaction under certain circumstances.
English sentences
debt of gratitude
Obligate parasite; Obligate anaerobic bacteria.
Obligate parasite; Obligate anaerobic organism
discharge a debt
clear off debts
Mutual obligation
Mutual debt responsibility
contractual obligation
contractual obligation
English explanation
Provide services or help to sb.
Be bound by obligations; Lead to debt
Force or force sb to do sth.
Similar phrase
Noble obligations; A noble position means a heavy responsibility, and a noble person should have noble character.
Please let me get this straight ... Can you cover for me ... Excuse me ...
Can you help me ... Can you cover for me? Excuse me ...
Please enlighten me with your advice.
Similar words
Debtor's benefactor
Third-person singular [obliges]; The third person singular of [Mingming]; The third person singular of [the debtor]
Force v. 1. Force (by law, obligation, etc). Help (as required or needed), service.
Obligation a. 1. grateful
Obligee, creditor and beneficiary