Have you received enough on-the-job training in the department and made sure that you can complete the task well?
Do you know the organizational structure and functions of this department?
Evaluate the performance of new employees within a week and set some short-term performance goals.
Distribute the company's overall training materials and answer questions raised by new employees.
Feedback is a style that reflects good suggestions or shortcomings and achieves perfect goals, steps and methods. The opinion is very enlightening, and the affected part reacts on its superior part.
The deployment of the higher-level leading organs to the lower-level organs is sometimes issued for the universal problems at that time, and sometimes for the local problems, and the opinions often take effect at a specific time.
Adapt to the company faster, let the new employees feel the welcome of the company, let the new employees have a sense of belonging, let the new employees understand their job responsibilities and strengthen the relationship between colleagues.