Dr Edith was born in Yugoslavia and grew up in Israel. He received his bachelor's degree from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Yale and Salem, and his MBA and PhD degrees from Columbia University in new york. He also worked in the Graduate School of Management of john anderson School of Management at UCLA all his life, where he established the management department of the first MBA program in the United States. He is also a director of the American Sociological Association, the International Sociological Association, the American Political Science Association and the School of Management.
Dr Edith is the founder and professional director of Edith Institute in Santa Monica, California, which specializes in teaching organizational change and transformation. This is the school he founded in 1995 to study transformation. He is also the founder of a unique management change course, making his name widely known. The Institute is mainly engaged in training Edith full-time consultants, granting them certificates, and through consulting activities, working with authorized full-time consultants to solve various Edith method management problems in 12 countries. Now he is the academic director of Adizes Graduate School.
In the past 25 years, Dr. ichak adizes has used the theory of grasping change in more than 400 organizations in 35 countries, including enterprises and non-profit organizations, ranging in scale from 80,000 to 90,000. He was invited by many heads of state to tell his ministers or parliamentarians about his theory and methods, and to consult on how to overcome government bureaucracy.