1. If you want to be a professional boxer in Japan, you must pass the professional tests organized by JBC, including written test and skill test.
2. Those who pass the vocational examination can, in principle, obtain a C-level license. You can take part in four rounds if you get a C-level license.
A class C boxer can be upgraded to a class B license if he wins four rounds in four rounds.
4. A class B boxer can be promoted to class A license if he wins two of the six turn-based competitions.
To take part in the professional test of boxers, you need to meet the following three conditions:
1, a trainee in the boxing hall of Japan Professional Boxing Association.
2. 17 -32 years old men and women (minors need to submit the guardian's commitment letter).
3. People who have passed the health diagnosis of Dr. JBC. Physical examination contents include: hepatitis B examination, head CT examination (head magnetic resonance examination over 30 years old), and checking whether the woman is pregnant within 30 days from the date of detection.