Probiotics can synthesize digestive enzymes, and digestive enzymes and digestive enzymes synthesized by animals participate in intestinal digestion of nutrients? Stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes in animals, reduce the depth of small intestinal crypt, increase the height of villi, increase the surface area of small intestine, and promote the absorption of intestinal nutrients.
The structure of probiotics, such as peptidoglycan and lipoteichoic acid, can be used as antigens to directly activate immunity, and can also stimulate the host immune system through autocrine immune activators, thus improving the immunity of animals.
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Expand information about the role of probiotics.
1, synthesis, synthesis of vitamin/coenzyme factors, bioactive signal molecules such as amines and polymers.
2, catabolism/biotransformation, ingesting undigested food residues, polysaccharides or cellulose and drugs for catabolism or biotransformation.
3. Host-microorganism interaction, that is, information exchange between microbial community and host, leads to changes in the function of host intestinal epithelial cells and changes in immune system.
/ 9b% 8a% E7% 94% 9f% E8% 8f% 8c/2945666 "target =" _ blank "title =" Baidu Encyclopedia-Probiotics "> Baidu Encyclopedia-Probiotics.