Examination of the "acupuncturist's certificate" requires one of the following conditions: having a diploma of Chinese medicine or a secondary school diploma, having 1 year experience in acupuncture clinical practice, having a diploma of western medicine or a secondary school diploma or above, having received 500 hours of professional training in acupuncture, having 1 year experience in acupuncture clinical practice, having studied in a Chinese medicine college run by an academic group or individual for more than three years, and having/kloc-0.
Medical practitioners, whose scope of practice is acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, are the most authoritative and only qualification allowed to engage in acupuncture and moxibustion in the medical system. However, the conditions are too high, so it is impossible to have a full-time degree in traditional Chinese medicine, and it is impossible to take the adult education of RTVU.
The professional qualification certificate of the Ministry of Labor (note that practice is different from occupation). You have no prescription right to obtain this certificate, you can't engage in acupuncture work in medical units, you can't practice independently to open clinics, but you can work in medical and health care enterprises, which is a certificate of skilled workers, but it is still practical and suitable for short-term forensics employment.
If you are qualified as a professional doctor, you can take the examination of acupuncturist in the talent training center of the Ministry of Health. If you have basic knowledge, it is easy to get the intermediate qualification of acupuncturist. However, this qualification is still not qualified for independent practice.