Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Annual report of mathematics
advances in applied mathematics
Progress in applied probability theory
The progress of computational mathematics.
Advances in mathematics, advances in mathematics
Algebra seminar
Algebra and Representation Theory Algebra and Representation Theory
American Mathematical Monthly
American statistician
Application probability annual report application probability theory annual report
Yearbook of global analysis and geometry.
Yearbook of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Annual Report of Artificial Intelligence
Annual report on operational research.
Annual report of probability theory
Annual Report of Pure Logic and Applied Logic Annual Report of Abstract Logic and Applied Logic
Statistical annual report
Annual Report of Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Annual Report of Statistical Mathematics Society.
Applied Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computational Algebra in Engineering Communication and Computing
Application and calculation of harmonic analysis in application and calculation
Application category structure
Applied mathematics and calculation applied mathematics and calculation
Applied Mathematics and Optimization Applied Mathematics and Optimization
Applied mathematics express
Archives of scientific history
Mathematical logic file
Archives of rational mechanics and analysis
Engineering calculation method file engineering calculation method file
Asymptotic line analysis
Autonomous robot robot
British Journal of Mathematics and Mathematics. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
London Mathematical Society Bulletin London Mathematical Society Express
Variational method and partial differential equation Variational method and partial differential equation
Combinatorics probability and mathematics. Calculation of combined probability and calculation
Combustion theory and modeling combustion theory modeling
Communication in algebra
Contemporary mathematical communication
Mathematical physics communication
Partial differential equation communication partial differential equation communication
Statistical communication-Analog and computational statistical communication-Analog and computational.
Communication between pure mathematics and applied mathematics
Computational Geometry-Theory and Application Computational Geometry-Theory and Application
Computational optimization and application optimization calculation and application
Computational statistics and mathematics. Data analysis, statistical calculation and data analysis
Computer aided geometric design
Computer physical communication
Computer and electronic products. Mathematics and Application Computer and Mathematics Application
Computer and electronic products. Computer and operational research
Concurrent Engineering-Research and Application * * * Point Project-Research and Application
Conformal geometry and dynamics projection geometry and mechanics
decision support system
Design coding and password system
Differential geometry and its application differential geometry and its application
Discrete and continuous dynamic systems
Discrete applied mathematics applies discrete mathematics.
Discrete computational geometry
Discrete event dynamic system-theory and application
Discrete mathematics
Education and psychometric education and psychometric methods
Engineering analysis with boundary elements Analysis of engineering boundary elements
Ergodic Theory and Dynamic System Ergodic Theory and Dynamic System
European Journal of Applied Mathematics
European Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics
European journal of operational research
Experimental mathematics experimental mathematics
Application of expert system
Finite field and its application Finite field and its application
Fundamentals of computational mathematics
Fuzzy sets and systems fuzzy sets and fuzzy systems
British Glasgow Journal of Mathematics
Graph theory and combinatorial mathematics
IEEE Robotics Corporation; Journal of Automation IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation
IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
Ima Journal of Applied Mathematics
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics in Medicine and Biology IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics in Medicine and Biology
Ima journal of numerical analysis
Information and calculation information and calculation
Insurance mathematics and mathematics; Economics, insurance, mathematics and economics
International journal of engineering numerical methods
International Journal of Algebra and Computing
International journal of computational geometry. International Journal of Applied Computational Geometry
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
International Journal of Game Theory
International journal of mathematics
International journal of production research, international journal of research achievements
International Journal of Robotics Research
International Journal of Systems Science
International statistical review
Inverse problem
Algebra Algebra Journal
Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
Journal of Algebraic Geometry
Journal of algorithms
Journal of applied mathematics and mechanics.
Journal of applied probability
Journal of approximate theory
Journal of combinatorial optimization
Journal of combinatorial theory series b
Journal of combinatorial theory series a
Journal of computational acoustics Journal of acoustic computing
Journal of computational analysis and application.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Biocomputing
Journal of computational mathematics
Journal of Computational Neuroscience Journal of Neural System Computing
Journal of Computational Neuroscience Journal of Neural System Computing
Journal of differential equations
Journal of Econometrics Journal of Econometrics Society
Journal of engineering mathematics
Journal of functional analysis
Journal of geometry and physics
Journal of global optimization
Journal of graph theory
Journal of group theory
Journal of extended theory of lie theory
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application
Journal of mathematical biology
Journal of Mathematical Economics
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of mathematical physics.
Journal of mathematical psychology
Journal of multivariate analysis
Journal of Nonlinear Science Journal of Nonlinear Mathematics
Journal of number theory
Journal of operation management
Journal of pure algebra and applied algebra
Journal of statistical planning and impact.
Journal of symbolic computation
Journal of the Mathematical Society of London-Volume II
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B-Statistical Methods Series B-Statistical Methods
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C- Applied Statistics
Journal of theoretical probability theory
k theory
Lectures on Economics and Mathematical Systems.
Mathematics lecture notes
Mathematical Physics Letters Mathematical Physics Newsletters
Linear algebra and its application linear algebra and its application
Mathematical biology science mathematical biology
Mathematics Finance Mathematics, physics, finance and finance
Mathematical geology
Mathematical intelligence
Quarterly journal of mathematical logic
Mathematical methods in applied science, mathematical application discipline
Research on Mathematical Methods of Operational Research
Mathematical model & method in applied science, mathematical simulation and application method
Journal of Mathematical Physics and Electronics
Journal of Social Mathematics.
Mathematical programming
Mathematical social sciences
Mathematics and computer mathematics and computer simulation in simulation
Mathematics and solid mechanics Mathematics and solid mechanics
Mathematical archives
Journal of mathematics
Computational mathematics
Mathematics of control signal and system
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Modern logic
Nonlinear analysis-theoretical method and application. Applied nonlinear analysis-theory and application
Nonlinear characteristics of nonlinearity
Comments on the notice
Digital algorithm
Numerical method for partial differential equation
Oxford Economic and Statistical Bulletin Oxford University Economic and Statistical Express
Potential analysis
Journal of the American Mathematical Society
Journal of the London Mathematical Society
Journal of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Part A-Journal of Mathematics of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, UK Volume A Mathematics
Mathematical quarterly
Quarterly journal of mechanics and applied mathematics.
Quarterly journal of applied mathematics
Queuing system scheduling system
Random structure and algorithm random structure and algorithm
Mathematical physics report
Representation theory
Robotics and automation system
Mathematical problems in rocky mountain mathematical magazine
Exact point analysis of set-valued analysis
Statistical papers
Statistics and information. Probability letter statistics and probability communication
Statistics and calculations Statistics and calculations
Stochastic analysis and application and its application
Random environment research and risk assessment research and risk assessment
Stochastic process and its application and its application
Applied Mathematics Research in Applied Mathematics Research
Journal of University Mathematics
Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics
Theoretical calculation method of computing system
Probability theory and its application probability theory and its application program theory
Topology topology
Topology and its application topology and its application
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
Applied Numerical Mathematics Applied Numerical Mathematics, Elsevier Science, Netherlands
Science yearbook? Cole Normale Supérieure, Chronicle of Science of Normal University, Elsevier Science, France.
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Elsevier Science, USA
Applying stochastic models in business and industry, John Wiley, UK.
Journal of Applied Mathematics Journal of Applied Mathematics, Kluwer College, Netherlands
Progress in Computational Mathematics "Progress in Computational Mathematics", Kluwer Acdemic, Netherlands.
Chronicle of mathematics and artificial intelligence.
Chronicle of operational research published by Kluwer Acdemic Publishing House in the Netherlands.
Yearbook of Japan Institute of Statistical Mathematics.
Two, if you can't write English, Chinese mathematics core journals can also vote for:
1 China Science * Beijing China Science Magazine
2 Science Bulletin * Beijing China Science Journal
Journal of Mathematics of Institute of Mathematics, beijing beijing Academy of Sciences
4 Mathematical Research and Review * Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian
Mathematics Yearbook * Institute of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai
Journal of Applied Mathematics * Beijing chinese mathematical society
7 Computational Mathematics * Computing Center of China Academy of Sciences.
8 advances in mathematics * Beijing chinese mathematical society
9 Mathematical Magazine Wuhan Hubei Mathematical Society, etc.
10 system science and mathematics * Beijing Institute of System Science, China Academy of Sciences
1 1 Applied Mathematics Wuhan Huazhong University of Science and Technology
12 applied probability statistics * Shanghai chinese mathematical society probability statistics society
13 Journal of Computational Mathematics in Colleges and Universities * Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University
14 Journal of Applied Mathematics in Colleges and Universities * Hangzhou Zhejiang University
15 system engineering theory and practice Beijing China system engineering society
16 Practice and Understanding of Peking University Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Journal of Mathematical Physics 17 * Wuhan Institute of Mathematical Physics, China Academy of Sciences
18 Journal of East China Normal University (Natural Science Edition) Shanghai East China Normal University
19 Journal of Operational Research Shanghai China Logistics Society
Journal of Engineering Mathematics of Xi Jiaotong University Xi Branch
2 1 System Engineering Changsha Hunan System Engineering Society