-Continuous (insert section break and start a new section on the same page)
-Even pages (insert section break and start a new section on the next even page).
-Odd pages (insert section break and start a new section on the next odd page)
Make it clear first, and then if the cover doesn't need a page number, insert a new section between the cover and the abstract at the back-if the mouse is placed on the page where the abstract is located, then: page layout-separator-continuous (insert section break to start a new section on the same page)-insert a page number-page number format-select a number format; Start Page Number-Set by yourself.
Then the table of contents page, after inserting a new section-continuously-insert the page number-or click the footer-title bar-connect to the previous section header without checking-set the page number of the previous section (if it is a cover, you can delete the page number).
If even pages and odd pages are different, you can also set them in the above way.