Master Xie got together on a cold snowy day and told his children the meaning of paper. Suddenly, the snow suddenly began to fall, and the public said happily, "What is snow like?" Xie Lang, his elder brother, said, "The air is almost equal." . His eldest brother's daughter said, "Catkin can dance with the wind better than the wind." "."The Imperial Guard laughed. She is the daughter of Xie An, the daughter of Xie An, and the wife of the left-wing general Wang Ningzhi.
Xie Taifu (An) gathered his family on a cold snowy night to discuss the significance of the article to the younger generation. After a while, it began to snow suddenly. The teacher said cheerfully, "What is the snow like?" Brother's son Hu Er (Xie Hu) said: "It is wrong to sprinkle salt in the air." My brother's daughter (Xie Daowen) said, "If the catkins were not due to the wind." A teacher smiled happily. This woman is the daughter of Xie Wuyi, the eldest brother of a teacher, and the wife of General Zuo.