Read the paper carefully and check for mistakes in grammar, spelling and punctuation. Ensure that the language expression of the article is accurate, smooth and easy to read.
Check whether the format of the article meets the requirements of international journals, such as page margins, fonts, line spacing, and reference formats.
Modify and adjust the paragraph organization and argumentation of the article to ensure the clear and coherent logical structure of the article.
Carefully check the words in the article, avoid using vague, inaccurate or unprofessional terms, and ensure that the language style and academic tone are appropriate.
Check and optimize the chart of the article to ensure that the chart format is standardized, and the title and comments of the chart are accurate and clear.
Review the references in the article, make sure their formats are standardized, and check whether the quotations are accurate.
Finally, SCIER suggests asking professional native English speakers to polish and proofread the articles to ensure that the language and style of the articles meet the publishing requirements of SCI journals.