I. Structured access
Also known as standardized interview, it is a highly controlled interview, that is, an interview conducted according to a pre-designed and structured interview questionnaire. Visitors have a list of questions prepared in advance and ask the interviewee questions according to the questions designed in advance. When respondents express their opinions, the researchers will record them. The same question can be asked to everyone in the same way. When they get enough information, they can end the interview and display a list of information for analysis.
Second, unstructured access.
Also known as non-standardized access, contrary to structured access, it does not formulate unified questionnaires, forms and access procedures in advance, but only gives visitors a topic, which visitors can talk about freely. Its purpose is to introduce some preliminary topics so that researchers can decide which variables need further study.
Third, key visits
Also known as centralized access, it is an access that focuses on an experience and its impact.
Fourth, in-depth visits.
Also known as clinical interview, it is an interview to search for subjective information about specific experiences and their behavioral motives, which is often used in case investigation.
Five, the objective statement method
Also known as unguided interview, its biggest feature is to let the interviewee make a survey of himself and his working and living environment, and then make an objective statement, that is, the interviewer encourages the interviewee to objectively describe his values, behavior and working environment.
Sixth, the forum is a method of group visits.
That is, many respondents are interviewed at the same time, commonly known as "holding an investigation meeting."
Seven, brainstorming method
That is, the moderator of the investigation meeting does not explain the clear purpose of the meeting, but only invites the participants to express their opinions freely on a general topic in a certain direction. The moderator does not express his own opinions, let alone criticize others' opinions.
Eight, reverse brainstorming method
That is, the investigation meeting first lists some problems, and participants should not only express their own opinions, but also criticize and evaluate others' opinions in order to find a solution to the problems.
Nine, group interview method
It refers to the method that investigators invite several respondents to study management problems through group discussion. Group interview is an extended form of interview, and it is a direct oral investigation just like case interview. It is characterized by interviewing several interviewees at the same time, which is a process in which several interviewees influence and interact with each other. Around a special topic, this survey method is called "focus group interview" or "focus group interview". Its disadvantages are easy to be influenced by other interviewees, poor confidentiality and long time consuming.