Process fixture
Fixture grade a
A 1 180C Diesel Engine Piston Processing Technology Design
Processing Technology Design for Connecting Rod of A2 180C Diesel Engine
Processing Technology Design of Cylinder Head of A3 180C Diesel Engine
Design of Lever Milling Fixture for A4CA6 140 Lathe
Fixture design of A5CA6 140 lathe lever drill φ25mm hole milling machine.
Design of A6CA6 140 Lathe Lever Drilling Fixture
Design of drilling fixture for A7CA6 140 lathe handle seat drill 14H7 hole.
Design of drilling fixture for φ 10mm lathe tool holder.
Design of Fixture for Milling 5H9 Slot on A9CA6 140 Lathe
A 10CA 140 Design of Eight-hole Fixture for Lathe Drilling
Design of A 1 1CA6 140 cylindrical fixture for flange lathe
Design of A 12CA6 140 Flange Milling 54 Thick Plane Fixture
Design of A13A6140 Flange Milling Fixture
A 14CA6 140 flange milling fixture design-figure
A 15CA6 140 jig design for flange drilling 3×φ 1 1mm hole.
A 16CA 140 design of 2-φ 10 fixture for lathe tool holder drill.
A 17CA6 140 Design of Drilling Fixture for 6-hole Flange
A 18CA6 140 clamp design for nut bracket, which is used to drill 50 holes in nut bracket.
A 19CA6 140 design of milling fixture for nut bracket-figure
Design of end milling fixture for A20CA6 140 nut bracket flange.
A2 1CA6 140 Fixture Design for Drilling M5 Hole with Nut Bracket
A2D180 Diesel Engine 12 Hole Punch and Fixture Design
A23MY 1525 Automatic Lathe Feed Pipe Base Fixture Design-Figure
Overall and fixture design of A24SJ058 diesel engine gear chamber cover drilling and boring special machine
Processing technology specification and special fixture design of fork shell of A25X5020B vertical lifting table milling machine
A26X5032K bearing fixture design drawing
Drilling body technology and fixture design of A27YTP26 air-leg rock drill
Formulation of machining process specification for even stand box parts of A28Y rolling mill
Process specification and fixture design of A29ZDY 160 reducer box
Design of A30 Semi-precision Boring and Precision Boring Combined Machine Tool for Cylinder Head Guide Hole (Boring Head Design)
A3 1 processing technology specification for cage
Design of drilling fixture for A32 pump body-Figure
Design of A33 1702036- 1500 shift fork shaft and 255×φ8 drilling fixture.
A 341702053-11First and second gear shift fork shafts and 77.5×φ6-hole drilling fixture.
A 351702061-100 Fixture Design of the Third Four-axis Milling Machine with 90 Double Bond Grooves
Fixture design of R4.8 slot milling machine for A36 170206 1-A2H variable speed fork shaft -5, 6 speed and middle milling shaft.
A37 1702072- 14 Reversing Fork Shaft —— Fixture Design of Milling Machine for Milling 48 Long Table at Five or Six Speed.
A 38170261-1shifting fork shaft -5, 6-speed drilling fixture design, drilling 77.5×φ6 holes.
A39 17026 1-953 Design of the clamp for the variable-speed fork shaft of the Φ 5-hole drilling machine with five or six speeds.
Design of a 40170261-1500 variable speed fork shaft fixture for five or six speed 90 double groove milling machine.
A 411702036-11Processing technology of fork shaft-70 single groove milling machine commutation and fixture design.
A42 1702036 Variable-speed Fork Shaft-Fixture Design of Milling Machine for Strengthening, Reversing and Milling Shaft Head Steps
A 431702057-1/shifting fork shaft-design of 70 double groove fixture for three-speed and four-speed milling machine
A44 1702057- 14 Variable-speed Fork Shaft —— Fixture Design of Three-speed and Four-speed 77.5×φ6mm Hole Drilling Machine.
A45 1702057- 1500 Design of the clamp for the variable-speed fork shaft of three-speed, four-speed and φ5-hole drilling machines.
A 461702057-1100 Design of the variable-speed fork shaft and fixture for the first and second speed φ5-hole drilling machine.
A47 170206 1-950 Variable Speed Fork Shaft-Fixture Design V. Six-speed Drill 100×φ8 Drilling Machine
A48 formulates the processing technology of variable speed fork shaft, designs the fixture design of milling machine, and mills three R3.5 grooves.
A49 has formulated the processing technology design of the shifting fork shaft and designed the drilling die for drilling φ8 holes.
Process design of A50 variable speed fork shaft (instruction manual, process card)
A5 1 Fixture Design of Gear Box Upper Cover Drilling Combined Machine Tool-Figure
Design of A52 Fork 83 1002 Macrohole Fixture
Design of A53 Fork Gear Inserting Fixture 83 1002
Design of clamp for A54 fork 83 1002 drilling M22 hole 1
Design II of A55 Fork 83 1002 Drilling M22 Hole Fixture
A56 Fork 83 1002 Fixture Design for Drilling φ25 Hole 1
A57 Fork 83 1002 Drilling 22-hole Fixture Design 3
Design of fixture for A58 fork 83 1002 drilling 25 holes with diameter II
Design of A59 Fork Gear Inserting Fixture 83 1003
Fixture design of 30x80 A60 fork 83 1003 milling machine.
A6 1 Fork 83 1003 Design of Process Equipment for Drilling 2×M8 Hole 1
A62 Fork 83 1003 Drilling 2-M8 Hole Fixture Design 2
Design of clamp for milling 8mm slot with A63 fork 83 1005 milling machine
Design of clamping device for milling big groove with A64 fork 83 1005 milling machine.
Design of A65 fork 83 1006 side milling fixture
A66 Fork 83 1006 Milling Width 16 Fixture Design Drawing
A67 fork 83 1006 drilling fixture design 1
A68 Fork 83 1006 Drilling Fixture Design II
Design of A69 fork 83 1008 end milling fixture
Design of A70 fork 83 1008 jig for drilling 20 holes.
Design of A7 1 Fork 83 1007 Lathe Large Hole Fixture
Processing of A72 Fork and Design Description of Turning 55 Arc Lathe and Fixture for Drilling 25 Holes
Design of clamp for milling 18mm slot fork with A73 milling machine
Design of A74 Fork-Milling 16mm Slot Fixture
Overall Design and Fixture Design of Special Drilling and Boring Machine for Gear Chamber Cover of A75 Diesel Engine
Overall design and headstock design of drilling and boring machine for gear chamber cover of A76 diesel engine.
Compilation of Processing Technical Specification for Connecting Rod Body of A77 Diesel Engine
Overall and fixture design of combined machine tool for rough milling of A78 diesel engine cylinder block.
A79 lathe oil filter 1 1 design of drilling fixture.
Design of Fixture for Drilling Bearing Hole in Back Cover of A80 Gear Pump
Design of 2- 10 through-hole fixture for drilling the back cover of A8 1 gear pump.
Design of Milling Fixture for 8mm Oil Flow Groove of A82 Gear Pump Front Cover
Design of Small Plane Fixture for Front Cover Milling of A83 Gear Pump
Design of Fixture for Drilling 6-M8 Hole in the Front Cover of A84 Gear Pump
Processing technology design of A85 transmission shaft
Processing technology and fixture design for the left side cover of A86 mass-produced automobile transmission.
Processing Technology Design of A87 Single-throw Crankshaft Parts
Processing Technology of A88 Base and Design of Fixture for Drilling 4-M8 Hole
Processing technology of A89 lifting ring and design of side milling fixture-Figure
Drawing technology of A90 rings and design of drilling tools 10.5 hole clamp
Design of drilling fixture for the upper box of A9 1 two-stage gear reducer-Figure
Processing Technology and Fixture Design of A92 Engine Cylinder Head
Processing Technology and Hole Fixture Design of A93 Engine Box
Technological Design of A94 Valve Body "Parts"
Technological Design of A95 Distributed Power Gear Box
Formulation of Processing Technical Specification and Tooling Design of A96 Roller Reducer Box Parts
Processing technology of A97 rear leaf spring lug and design of 30-hole drilling fixture
Design of milling fixture for A98 rear support
Design of A99 Rear Support 1 Drilling Fixture
Design of drilling fixture for A 100 rear support II
A 10 1 Research and Design of Machine Tool Fixture Flexibility Technology
A 102 Fixture Design for Tailstock of Machine Tool
A 103 Design of Horizontal Broaching Machine Fixture for Machining Turbine Disk tenon and groove
A 104 process design and fixture design of gearbox-description
A 105 Fixture Design of Vertical Modular Machine Tool-Figure
A 106 design of spindle box and fixture for connecting rod milling large and small end face combined machine tool
A 107 Design of Support Fixture for Valve Rocker Shaft
A 108 Processing Technology Specification and Special Fixture Design for Support Parts of Valve Rocker Shaft
A 109 processing technology and fixture design of automobile gearbox
A 1 10 automobile connecting rod processing technology and fixture design
A 1 1 1 crank milling fixture design-figure
A 1 12 Design drawing of 8 inclined oil hole of crank drill-Figure
A 1 13 design drawing of 8 oil hole clamps for crank drilling.
A 1 14 processing technology and fixture design of elevator car
Design and manufacture of A 1 15 automatic chuck for cross shaft turning
A 1 16 output shaft tooling process design
A 1 17 Output Shaft Technology and Tooling Design
A 1 18 output shaft fixture design
A 1 19 output shaft 1 drilling fixture design
Design of drilling fixture for A 120 output shaft Ⅱ
A 12 1 jig design for pusher-drawing
Process planning and fixture design of A 122 tractor reverse shift fork
Design of A 123 Hydraulic Vertical Stretching Fixture for Turbine Disk
A 124 processing and manufacturing of lower shell of five-ton electric arc furnace-1 drawing 1 description
Assembly technology and fixture design of right bearing seat of A 125 cylinder
A 126 process specification and fixture design of box cover parts
A 127 box drill design drawing
Processing technology and fixture design of A 128 compressor box
Processing technology of A 129 rocker arm and design of end-face fixture for rough milling φ38 hole
Processing technology of A 130 rocker arm and design of drilling die for drilling M8 hole
Processing technology of A 13 1 rocker arm and design of drilling die for drilling φ38mm hole
Design of A 132 oil holder fixture
Machining technology of A 133 bevel gear reducer base and design of side hanging 140mm hole end milling fixture
A 134 Processing and drilling of leaf spring lug after formula? Design of Fixture for Machining Groove Milling Machine 30- Description
A 135 formulates the processing technology of transmission sleeve of mechanical sealing equipment, and milling fixture for milling 8mm boss.
A 136 established the processing technology of cross sliding sleeve parts, and designed the drilling fixture for drilling 8 M4 holes.
A 137 Hole Fixture Design of Bearing Lathe
Design of A 138 Axis Keyway Milling Fixture
A 139 design of drilling fixture for main cylinder block
Processing technology design of A 140 four-five gear shift fork of jiefang automobile
A141my1525 design of feed pipe base of automatic lathe-figure
A 142B6065 Pusher Design of Shaper
A 143 Design of Side Hole Drilling Fixture for Sewing Machine Bottom Plate-Description
A 144 has formulated the processing technology of CA6 140 lathe flange and the design of drilling fixture for φ6mm hole.
Design of A 145CA6 140 Lever Milling 60x45 Mask
A 146CA 140 φ25 jig design for lever drill.
A 147CA6 140 drilling machine with lever can drill holes with a diameter of 12.7.
A 148 fork 83 1002 milling machine fixture design 1 1 slot
Design of A 149 Fork 83 1002 Drilling jig for M22 hole.
A 150 Fork 831003 Design of Drilling Fixture for φ 5 Tapered Hole and 2-M8 Hole.
A 15 1 fork 83 1003 design of milling machine fixture for milling 30×80 faces.
A 152 Fork 83 1005 Milling 8mm Slot Fixture Design
A 153 Fork 83 1005 Milling 18mm Slot Fixture Design
A 154 "stuffing box cover" parts process specification and fixture design for drilling 12 holes.
A 155 Fork 83 1006 Design of 55-hole Fixture for Lathe.
The design of A 156 fork 83 1006 lathe 55 arc fixture.
A 157 Fork 83 1006 Milling 16x8 Slot Fixture Design
A 158 Shift Fork 83 1006 Drilling Fixture Design
A 159 Fork 83 1007 Fixture Design for Drilling 8 Diameter Holes
A 160 Fork 83 1007 Fixture Design for Drilling M8 Hole
A 16 1 fork 83 1008 fixture design for drilling 2-8 pin holes.
A 162 fork 83 1008 drilling fixture design 2-M6
A 163 Shift Fork 83 1008 Fixture Design for Turning Holes
A 164 Design of Lathe Fixture for Motor Shell
A 165 jig for drilling 8.5mm holes
A 166 Design of Splitting Fixture-Figure
A 167 Design of Lug Fixture for Rear Leaf Spring
A 168 established the processing technology of the lug of the rear leaf spring and the fixture design for milling the 4mm process groove.
A 169 established the processing technology of the lug of the rear leaf spring and the fixture design for drilling 37 holes.
A 170 has formulated the processing technology and drilling of the lug of the rear leaf spring. Design of 37-hole fixture
Machining technology of A 17 1 camshaft
A 172 has worked out the processing technology and drilling fixture design of CA6 140 lathe rear bracket.
A 173 has formulated the processing technology of CA6 140 lathe oil filter and the design of drilling fixture.
A 174 Rotor Processing Technology and Keyway Milling Fixture Design
A 175 bearing fixture design-figure
Processing technology and fixture design of A 176 "CA 6 140 lathe fork 83 1003 "
Processing technology and fixture design of A 177 "CA 6 140 lathe fork 83 1006 "
Processing technology and fixture design of A 178 "CA 6 140 lathe fork 83 1008 "
A 179CA 10B Machining Process Design and Special Fixture Design of Front Brake Adjusting Arm Shell
A 180CA6 140 machining process specification and special fixture design of lathe fork 83 1002 parts.
A181CA6140 Lathe Flange Processing Technology Design and Special Fixture Design
A 182CA6 140 processing technology design and special fixture design of lever parts.
A 183 The processing technology design and special fixture design of the rear leaf spring lug of Jiefang brand CA 10B automobile.
A 184 Design the processing technology and equipment of the front fork parts of "CA6 140 lathe"
A 185 designed the processing technology and equipment of "CA6 140 lathe fork 83 1007" parts.
A 186 Design the processing procedure and special machine tool fixture for the four-speed and five-speed fork of Jiefang brand car CA 10B.
A 187 The design of processing procedure and fixture of special machine tool for the bearing bracket of the intermediate shaft of Jiefang brand automobile CA 10B.
Design of A 188 "Universal Joint Slip Fork" φ39 Hole End Milling Combined Machine Tool
A 189C6 132 Machining Process Specification and Fixture Design of Lathe Tailstock Body
A 190CA6 140 Design, Process Analysis and Boring Die of Lathe Spindle Box
Design of a191ca 6140 I-axis bearing seat and special fixture for headstock.
A 192FX280 carding machine carding wall processing technology and tooling design.
A 193FX50 1 Processing technology and tooling design of worm wheel bearing seat of spinning frame
A 194LS- 150 NC Machining Technology and Special Fixture Design for Injection Seat of Injection Molding Machine
A 195TY495 Process Tool Design for Diesel Engine Block
Machining technology and milling fixture design of a196x5032a-6270216 worktable
A197x5032a-6270216 table processing technology and drilling fixture design.
Optimal design of power transmission main system of A 198 incandescent lamp automatic production line
Machining technology and end milling fixture design of A 199 fork D
Design of A200 Fork Groove Fixture-Figure
Processing technology of A20 1 fork flange and fixture design of double-sided milling machine
Design of A202 multi-spindle drilling machine for differential housing.
Design of Milling Fixture for Parts of A203 Lathe Turntable
Design of drilling fixture for rotary table parts of A204 lathe
Fixture design of A205 gearbox drilling machine
Design of fixture for A206 gearbox boring plane hole
Fixture design of A207 gearbox milling machine
Design of Plane Milling Fixture for A208 Gearbox
Design of A209 gearbox drill 18-M8 bottom hole fixture
Design of fixture for drilling 4χφ 16 holes in A2 10 transmission shaft flange fork (A 10B Jiefang brand car).
A2 1 1 CNC machining technology and fixture design of tool magazine support
Processing technology and milling fixture design of A2 12 end cover
Processing technology and drilling fixture design of A2 13 end cover
Machining program and fixture design of A2 14 valve cover
A2 15 Valve Chamber Drilling Fixture Design 4- 18- Figure
Design of A2 16 Fixture for Milling φ68 Cylindrical End Face of Valve Body
Design of 4-φ7 hole drilling fixture for A2 17 valve body
Design of clamp for drilling φ 14 hole A2 18 in valve body.
Design of drilling fixture for A2 19 floating chuck
Processing technology of A220 aileron rocker arm parts and design of drilling 16 hole fixture.
Processing technology of A22 1 aileron rocker arm parts and fixture design for drilling holes with a diameter of 8H8.
Processing Technology of A222 Rear Cylinder Head and Design of Fixture for Drilling 10- 10 Holes
Design of Side Milling Fixture for A223 Rear Leaf Spring Ear
Design of A224 Rear Leaf Spring Lug Drill 10.5 Hole Fixture
Design of 30-hole Fixture for A225 Rear Leaf Spring Lug Drilling
Machining Technology and Fixture Design of Spindle Box of A226 Machine Tool
NC machining technology and programming of A227 checking fixture
Processing technology of A228 JAC 12 gearbox body and design of double-sided drilling fixture.
Process Analysis of A229 Joint
Design of A230 Modular Machine Tool for Machining 6-φ7 Holes of Connecting Seat Parts
A23 1 Design of 82.8 Hole Milling Fixture for the 4th and 5th Gear Fork of Jiefang Automobile
Design of Technological Tooling for A232 Connecting Rod Assembly: Design of Milling Fixture
Design of enlarged head hole of A233 connecting rod assembly
Design of 42mm Fixture for φ45 End Milling of A234 Connecting Rod Screw
Design of technological boss fixture for milling threaded end of A235 connecting rod screw
Technical specification of A236 worm gear box Ⅰ and design of fixture for boring 47-hole diameter.
Design of Milling Fixture for Machining A237 Mould Parts
Processing Technology of A238 Internal Pressure Rod and Design of Special Fixture for Slotting and Drilling
Compilation of A239 Process Specification for Disc Parts and Design of Drilling Fixture
Design of A240 disc axial multi-hole drilling die
Processing technology specification and groove fixture design of A24 1 pulley
Processing technology specification of A242 pulley and design of keyway drawing fixture
Design of A243 Drilling Fixture and Finishing Fixture for Automobile Connecting Rod
Processing technology of A244 cylinder and fixture design of boring and milling machine
Design of milling and drilling fixture for A245 crankcase machine tool
Design of machining process specification and special fixture for bearing parts of A246 valve rocker shaft.
Technology of A247 Cross Joint Parts and Design of Drilling and Milling Fixture
Processing technology specification of A248 crosshead and design of five sets of fixtures
Design of milling fixture for A249 stuffing box cover
Design of fixture for A250 stuffing box cover drawing
Design of A25 1 Tractor Inverted Fork Drill Fixture
Design of drilling and milling fixture for reverse fork of A252 tractor
Design of groove milling fixture for A253 tractor reverse fork
Processing Technology of A254 Box and Design of Plane Milling Fixture
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology and Boring Fixture Design of A255 Box Parts
Mechanical Manufacturing Technology and Drilling Fixture Design of A256 Box Parts
Processing technology of A257 box and fixture design of boring and milling machine
Processing Technology of A258 Box and Design of Fixture for Drilling 6-@ 17 Holes
Fixture design of A259 compressor rear bearing seat drilling combined machine tool
Processing technology of A260 hydraulic valve core and design of drilling 3×φ 15 fixture
A26 1 Design of Drilling Fixture for Stop Valve of Hydraulic System
Design of drilling and milling fixture for A262 hydraulic pump cover
Design of A263 right crank boring and drilling fixture
Processing Technology of A264 Support and Design of Drilling Fixture
Processing technology specification and drilling fixture design of A265 center frame cover
Processing Technology of A266 Axis and Design of Square Milling Fixture
Design of A267 Fixture for Drilling 6-φ9 Holes on Main Bearing Cover
Fixture design of A268 tachometer disc drilling and milling machine
Analysis and Processing of A269 Component's NC Machining Technology
Processing technology of A270 box cover and design of φ 17 and φ 22 shaft hole fixture.
Process specification of A27 1 reciprocating rod and design of upper and lower milling fixture
Processing Technology and Drilling Fixture Design of A272 Star Wheel
A273 Upper Fixture Design-Figure
Design of φ 19 hole fixture for 4-and 5-speed shift fork drill of A274 Jiefang brand automobile-Figure
Fixture Design of A275 Walking Wheel Left Support Frame
Design of A276 Swing Slotting Fixture
Design of A277 Pump Body Cover Drilling 6-φ2 Machine Tool and Fixture
A278 Pump Body Cover Drilling 6-φ7 Machine Tool and Fixture Design
Design of A279 Valve Drill φ 16 Machine Tool and Fixture
Design of A280 Milling 100 Plane Fixture
A28 1 Set Milling Four-Slot Milling Machine and Fixture Design
Processing technology specification of A282 "top hat" parts and design of 5.5H9× 14 hole and groove milling fixture.
Processing technology specification of A283 packaging box cover parts and design of special fixture for drilling Ф13.5 holes.
Processing technology of A284 "stuffing box cover" parts and design of special fixture for drilling 12 holes.
Processing technology specification of A285 "push frame" parts and design of special fixture for processing φ33 holes.
Processing technology specification of A286 "push frame" parts and design of special fixture for drilling pin φ 16 blank hole processing.
Processing Technology of A287 Push Frame and Design of Fixture for Tapping M8-6H Hole
Processing technology of A288 "door" parts and fixture design of rough milling and milling machine for inner groove of ring groove.
Technological Specification of Tailstock Sleeve of A289C620 Lathe and Design of 8mm Slot Milling Fixture
Processing technology specification of A290V mobile guide rail parts and design of special fixture for 2×φ5 holes 1
Processing technology specification of A29 1V-shaped mobile guide rail parts and design of special fixture for 2×φ5 holes II
Design of drilling fixture for A292V movable guide rail-Figure
Processing technology of A293 variable speed shifting fork and design of milling fixture at both ends of fork foot
The processing technology and milling width of A294 fork 83 1005 are 8+0. Fixture design of 03 mm slot milling machine
Processing Technology Design of A295 Fork 83 1005 and Fixture Design of Broaching φ 6 Blank Hole
Processing technology of A296 fork 83 1005 parts and design of special fixture for milling 18+0.0 12mm groove.
Processing technology of A297 fork 83 1007 and fixture design for drilling 22mm holes.
Processing program of A298 fork 83 1007 parts and design of special fixture for drilling φ8mm holes.
Design of A299 Fork 83 1008 Drilling φ20 Hole Fixture
Processing technology specification of A300 fork and design of Ф10h7 hole processing technology and equipment.
Processing technology specification of A30 1 fork and design of processing equipment for Ф 50 mm.
Processing Technology of A302 Fork 83 1003 Parts and Design of Milling Machine Fixture for Milling 30×80 Faces
Design of A303 end cover machining process specification and special fixture for milling cross groove.
Processing technology specification of A304 end cover parts and design of φ 14 hole processing equipment.
Processing technology of A305 end cover parts and design of drilling 10 hole fixture.
Processing technology of A306 indexing disc parts and design of fixture for drilling 6× 32mm holes.
Mechanical Technology of Fixing the Clamp Body of A307 Vice and Design of Special Fixture for Drilling
Processing technology specification of A308 connecting rod and design of processing technology and equipment for φ65.5 large end hole.
Processing technology specification and groove milling fixture design of A309 grinder spindle.
Processing technology of A3 10 eccentric sleeve and design of special fixture for side groove design
A3 1 1 "Connecting Rod" Parts Processing Technical Specification and Design of Special Fixture for Drilling Pin φ 10mm Hole
Processing technology of A3 12 "objective lens holder" and design of special fixture for drilling φ20mm and φ 13.5mm blank holes.
A3 13 Crank Parts Processing Technology Specification and Design of Special Fixture for φ 5 Tapered Pin Hole Processing
Processing technology of A3 14 cross shaft and design of 6-hole drilling fixture
Processing technology of A3 15 handle seat and design of rough grinding R 13 cylindrical fixture
Processing technology specification of A3 16 duplex gear parts and design of φ32 spline processing equipment
A3 17 Technical Specification for Processing Pedal Rod Parts and Design of Special Fixture for φ M6-6h Threaded Hole Processing
A3 18 Turbine Box Parts Processing Technology Specification and Process Equipment Design
Design of drilling fixture for A3 19 worm gear box
Processing technology of A320 compression cover parts and design of special fixture for drilling 6-Ф14 holes.
A32 1 Valve Rocker Shaft Bracket Processing Technology Specification and? Design of 13 mm hole processing equipment
Processing technology specification and tooling design of A322 rocker arm bracket
Processing technology specification of A323 guide fixture parts and design of special fixture for V-shaped moving guide rail groove milling.
Compilation of processing technology specification for A324 bracket parts and design of special fixture for drilling 4 diameter holes.
Compilation of processing procedure for A325 bracket parts and design of special fixture for 15 diameter drilling.
Processing technology specification of A326 tailstock parts and design of special fixture for drilling φ80mm pin holes.
Processing technology specification of A327 bearing parts and design of 4xφ 12 hole processing equipment.
Process specification and fixture design for milling groove of A328 shaft sleeve parts.
Work plan for the disabled 1
In order to adapt to the new situation of the development of "xxxx" rehabilitation work for the disabled, promote the working mechan