2. Ni Pei, Ding, Jean Dubesi, Zhang Ting, 2008. Application of In-situ Low-temperature Raman Spectroscopy in Analysis of Fluid Inclusions in Synthetic Calcium Chloride -H2O and Magnesium Chloride -H2O Systems II: Study on Low-temperature Phase Transformation Behavior of Fluid Inclusions, acta petrolei sinica, 24 (9): 1968- 1974.
3. NI Pei, Meng Fanwei, 2008. Experimental study on synthetic hydrocarbon inclusions in carbonate rocks, Acta Petrologica, 24 (1):161-165.
4. Ni Pei, Ding and Liu Jiqiang, 2008. Indication of temperature measurement data of synthetic hydrocarbon fluid inclusions to petroleum geology, acta petrolei sinica, 24 (9): 1975- 1980.
5. Ding, Ni Pei, Jean Dubesi, Zhang Ting, 2008. Application of in-situ low-temperature Raman spectroscopy in the analysis of fluid inclusions in synthetic calcium chloride -H2O and magnesium chloride -H2O systems I: Study on low-temperature Raman spectroscopy, acta petrolei sinica, 24 (9):1961-1967.
6. Wang Tiangang, Ni Pei, Wang Guoguang, Zhang Ting, 2008. Discovery and significance of methane-rich fluid inclusions in Changba lead-zinc mine, Gansu Province, Acta Petrologica, 24 (9): 2105-2112.
7. Wang Xudong, Ni Pei, Jiang Shaoyong, Huang Jianbao, Sun, 2008. Study on Fluid Inclusions of Piaotang Tungsten Mine in South Jiangxi, Acta Petrologica, 24 (9): 2 136-2 170.
8.2008, China Agricultural University Press, 2008. Geological, geochemical and geochronological constraints on the genesis of Baiyangshan gold mineralization in western New Brunswick, Canada, Exploration and Mining Geology, vol. 17,No.1–2, pp.10/–130.
9. Ni Pei, Wang,, 2007. Experimental study on synthetic hydrocarbon inclusions, Acta Petrologica, 23 (9): 2033-2038.
10. Liu, Ni Ping, Shen Kai, Ding, 2007, Record of Liquid Immiscibility in corundum of Changle Alkaline Basalt, Shandong Province. Journal of Petrology, 23 (1):125-130
1 1. Pan Li, Ni Ping, Ou, Li, 2007, Multi-stage oil and gas injection of Silurian in the northern slope of Tarim Basin: Evidence from fluid inclusions and organic geochemistry. Journal of Petrology, 23 (1):131-136
12. Zhu Xia, Ni Pei, Huang Jianbao, Wang Tiangang, 2007. Microscopic infrared thermometry technology and its application in rutile deposits, Acta Petrologica, 23 (9): 2052-2058.
13. Ding, Ni Pei, 2007. Study on synthetic fluid inclusions in NaCl-CaCl2-H2O system and their melting behavior after freezing, acta petrolei sinica, 23 (9): 2039-2044.
14. Liu Jiqiang, Ni Pei, Ding, Wang Tiangang, 2007. Determination of P-T conditions of upper mantle fluid in Liuhe area, Jiangsu Province: evidence of fluid inclusions, Acta Petrologica, 23 (9): 2069-2078.
15. Zhao, KD; Ginger, sy; Ni Ping et al., 2007. Sulfur, Lead and Helium Isotopic Composition of Sulfide Minerals in Dachang Tin Polymetallic Mining Area, South China: Genesis, Mineralogy and Petrology Significance, 89( 3-4): 25 1-273.
16. Song,; Hu,; Ni Ping et al., 2007. An improved method for determining the molar volume and composition of inclusions in sodium chloride -H2O- CO2 system, China Science (Series D-Earth Science), 50( 3): 385-39 1
17. Ni Pei, Ding, Rao Bing, 2006. In-situ low-temperature Raman spectroscopic study of synthetic fluid inclusions in H2O and sodium chloride -H2O systems, Science Bulletin, Vol. 5 1,No. 1,108-14.
18.Ni,P; Huang, JB; Wang, Xie Tiande, et al. 2006. Microscopic temperature measurement of infrared fluid inclusions of wolframite and Shi Ying in Dajishan tungsten deposit, Jiangxi Province, Journal of Geochemistry and Cosmic Chemistry, 70 (18): A444.
19. Ni Pei, Ding, Rao Bing. In-situ Raman spectroscopic study of fluid inclusions in synthetic H2O and NaCl-H2O systems at low temperature. Science Bulletin, May, 20061(09):1073-1078.
20. Pan, Ni Pei, Ou Guangxi, Ding, 2006. Application of oil and gas inclusions in petroleum geology research-concept, classification, formation mechanism and research significance. Bulletin of Mineral and Rock Geochemistry, 25 (1): 19-28.
2 1. Ni Ping, Wang, Chen Ruichun, Ling Haifeng, et al. 2005. Study on fluid inclusion of rutile ore-forming fluid in eclogite from CCSD main hole, Journal of Geochemistry and Cosmic Chemistry, 69 (10): A662.
22. Ni Pei, Tian Jinghui, Ling, Jiang Shaoyong and Gu Lianxing, 2005, Study on Vein-like Mineralized Fluid Inclusions in the footwall of Yongping Copper Mine, Jiangxi Province, Acta Petrologica, 21(5):1339-1346.
23. Ding, Ni Peirao Bing, 2005, Study on Synthetic Fluid Inclusions in Calcium Chloride -H2O System, acta petrolei sinica, 21(5):1425-1428.
24. Liu Xingxing, Ni Pei, 2005, Research progress of fluid inclusions formed under supergene environmental conditions, Progress in Earth Science, 20 (8): 856-832.
25. Ni Ping, Lan Jin, Liu Yahong, Ling Haifeng, Jiang Siyang, Jiang, 2004, Carbonate Magmatic Fluid in Quartz Related to Carbonate Veins in Baiyun Obo Area. Geochemistry and Cosmic Chemistry, 68 (11): A301
26. Lu, Fan, Ni Pei, Ou Guangxi, Zhang Wenhuai, 2004, Fluid Inclusions, Science Press, pp 1-487.
27. Ding, Ni Pei, Rao Bing, In 2004, using synthetic fluid inclusions to discuss the determination of salinity of single inclusions by micro-laser Raman spectroscopy, Geological Review, 50 (2): 203 ~ 209.
28. Sun, Gao, Ni Pei, 2004, Preliminary Study on Melt Inclusions in Basalt of Mariana Trough, Progress of Marine Science, 22 (3): 292-298.
29. Ni Ping, Gu, Lin Lixiang, Ling Haifeng, Cao Keming, 2003, Study on fluid inclusions in veinlets of Yongping massive sulfide copper deposit in Jiangxi Province. Journal of rock mineralogy 2: 140- 14 1
30. Ni, P, Lan Jin, A.H., 2003, Study on Fluid Inclusions of Boanyan Veins and Associated Quartzite in Baiyunebo Area, Inner Mongolia, China, Journal of Mineral Petrology, Volume 2, 147- 148.
3 1. Niping, Jiang Siyang, Ling Haifeng, 2003, Gold mineralization related to granite-FIP study of Wulong gold deposit and Sanliu granite in southern Liaoning. Journal of Geochemistry and Cosmic Chemistry, Supplement, A334
32. Ni Pei, Rao Bing, Ding, Zhang, 2003, Experimental study on synthetic inclusions and their application in laser Raman probe determination, acta petrolei sinica, 19 (2): 3 19-326.
33. Ni Pei, A.H. Rankin, 2003, Study on Inclusions in Carbonate Rock Wall and Quartz Rock Near Rock Wall in Bayan Obo, Acta Petrologica, 19 (2): 297-306.
34. Ni Pei,,, Ding, Hua Renmin, Ling, Jiang Shaoyong, 2003, Preliminary Study on Fluid Inclusions of Granite in Dabie Mountain, geological journal of china universities, China, 9 (4): 69 1-700.
35. Ni Pei, Ding, 2003, Study on Fluid Inclusions in Carbonate Magmatic Process, Journal of Geology of Colleges and Universities, Vol.9, No.2, 293-30 1.
36. Chen Congxi, Ni Pei, Cai Keqin, Zhai Yusheng, Deng Jun, 2003, Study on ore-forming fluid of magnesite talc deposit in Proterozoic magnesite carbonate rocks in Liaodong, Geological Review, 49 (6): 646-65 1.
37. Pei Ni and Alanjin, 2002, A Possible Magmatic Genesis of Bayan Obo Fe-Nb Rare Earth Deposit. Geochemistry and Cosmic Chemistry, Volume 66, Supplement 1, August 2002 15, p. 552.
38. Ge, Ni, 2002, Paleosimulated fluid geochemistry of modern seafloor polymetallic massive sulfide-Yongping super-large copper deposit. Jiangxi Province, China. Geochemistry and Universe, Volume 66, Supplement 1, August 2002 15, p. 268.
39. Xiao Xinjian, Gu Lianxing and Ni Pei, 2002, Multi-episode fluid waves in Shizishan copper-gold deposit in Tongling, Anhui Province and their relationship with mineralization, China Science (Series D), Vol.45, No.65438 +0:34-44.
40. Zhao Kedong, Jiang Shuyou, Xiao Haihong, Ni Ping, 2002, Source of Ore-forming Fluid in Dachang Tin Polymetallic Deposit: Helium Isotopic Evidence, Science Bulletin, 47 (12):1-1045.
4 1. Ni Pei, Jiang Shaoyong, Ling, 200 1, Research background, present situation and development prospect of fluid inclusions, Geological Review, Vol.47, No.4, 200 1, p398-404.
42. Tian Jinghui, Ni Pei, 200 1, Study on Ore-forming Fluid Characteristics of Yongping Copper Mine, Geological Prospecting Series, 6 (1): 24-27.
43. Shen Kun, Ni Pei, Lin Jingxian, 200 1, Characteristics and Evolution of Ore-forming Fluid of Guilaizhuang Gold Deposit in Southwest Shandong, Geological Science, 36 (1):1-3.
44. Ni Pei, Fan Jianguo, Tian Jinghui, 2000, FIP evidence of Mesozoic gold mineralization in Dandong area, southern Liaoning, acta petrolei sinica, 16, No.4, 506-5 12.
45. Ni Pei, Su, Qi Liang and Tian Jinghui, 2000, Characteristics and Significance of Rare Earth Elements in Sidaogou Hydrothermal Gold Deposit, Acta Petrologica, 16, No.4, pp. 587-590.
46. Fan Jianguo, Ni Pei, Tian Jinghui, 2000, Discussion on Isotopic Tracing of Fluid Inclusions in Ore-forming Fluids, Geological Prospecting Series, 15, No.3, 275-28 1.
47. Ni Pei,, 1999, Discussion on the genesis of gold deposits in the Precambrian crystalline basement in Liaodong-Jinan area, Acta Geologica Sinica, Vol.73, No.3, 23 1-242.
48.J.Potter, A.H.Rankin, P.J.Treloar, V.A.Nivin, W Ting, Pei Ni, 1998, Preliminary study on methane inclusions in alkaline igneous rocks in Kola igneous province, Russia: the significance of methane genesis in igneous rocks, European Geological Society. J. minerals ,No. 10, P.1167-1180.
49. Ni Pei,, 1998, Research progress of inclusions in carbonate-alkaline complexes, review and prospect of mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry at the turn of the century, Atomic Energy Press, p 127- 130.
50. Ni Pei and Zhu, 1997, Important Geological Factors Controlling the Formation of Gold Deposits in Eastern China, Journal of Geochemistry of China, Vol. 16,No. 1, p. 1-7.
5 1. Ni Pei, Wang Jiemin, Liu Zhensheng, Yao Peng, 1996. Geological and geochemical characteristics of zenith pillar granitoids and their genetic relationship with medieval gold deposits. Essays on Geology and Minerals of the Continental Orogenic Belt in the Southwest Margin of the Yangtze Platform, Sichuan Science and Technology Press, 1 165438.
52. NI Pei,, 1995, Several Important Geological Features and Genetic Significance of Endogenous Gold Deposits in Eastern China, Mineral Rocks, Vol. 15, Supplement, p. 106- 107.
54. Min Maozhong, Ni Pei, Cui Weidong, Liu Songyu, Ji Shen, 1994, Environmental Geology, Nanjing University Press.
54. Ni Pei,, 1993, Geological evolution of Liaodong Peninsula and genesis of gold deposits, deposit geology, 12, No.3, 23 1-244.
55. Ni Pei,, 1993, Topography and Gold Mineralization of Liaodong Peninsula, Journal of Nanjing University (Natural Science Edition), Volume 29, Geoscience Album, p. 18-29.
56. Ni Pei,, 1993, Topography and Regional Metallogenic Characteristics of Gold in Liaodong-Jinan Area, Nonferrous Metals Minerals and Exploration, Vol.2, No.2, 65-7 1.
57. Ni Pei,, 1993, gold source bed and formation mechanism in Liaodong Peninsula, Journal of Nanjing University (Earth Science Edition), Vol.5, No.32-4 1 page.
58. Ni Pei,, 1993, Geological and geochemical characteristics of granite related to gold deposits in Liaodong Peninsula, new exploration of mineral rock geochemistry, 172- 174, seismological press.
59. NI Pei,, 1993, Isotopic Geochemical Characteristics of Three Types of Gold Deposits in Precambrian Crystalline Bases of Liaodong Peninsula, Evolution of Crust and Mantle and Isotopic Geochemistry of Diagenesis and Mineralization, p. 136- 138, seismological press.
60. Xu Keqin, Lu Jianjun, Ni Pei, 1992, Geochemical characteristics of granitoids related to gold deposits, Journal of Guilin Institute of Metallurgical Geology, Vol. 12,No. 1, p.10.
6 1. Hua Renmin, Ruan Huichu, Ni Pei et al., 1992, Water-rock interaction during the formation of Dongchuan copper deposit in China, Balkema, Rotterdam,1589-159/kloc-0.
62. Ni Pei, Hua Renmin, Chu, 1990, Genesis of Yimen Copper Deposit, Journal of Nanjing University (Earth Science Edition), Volume 3, No.3, pp. 63-74.