Generally speaking, dizziness is mostly mild, but there are also serious symptoms. In particular, some patients with delayed acupuncture should pay more attention. In addition, the clinical manifestations, prevention and treatment of patients with cupping, moxibustion, pricking blood, ear acupuncture and acupoint injection are similar to those of patients with acupuncture, so I will not repeat them here. In addition, clinically, it is also found that needle diseases mostly occur in young adults, and women are more than men. It may be related to the sensitive acupuncture response and the corresponding enhancement of stimulation intensity.
Regarding the mechanism of needle halo, some people confuse it with shock. Needle syncope is actually a kind of vasoinhibitory syncope (or vasodecompression syncope), which belongs to the category of reflex syncope. It is caused by strong stimulation such as acupuncture and moxibustion. Through vagus nerve reflex, the vascular bed (especially the surrounding muscles) expands, the resistance of peripheral blood vessels decreases, and the blood flowing back to the heart decreases, thus reducing the cardiac output and blood pressure, resulting in a temporary and extensive reduction of cerebral blood flow, which is called syncope.
Acupuncture dizziness should be an adverse reaction. It is worth pointing out that many articles mentioned that acupuncture vertigo (or cupping vertigo) can often make patients' original symptoms disappear. Someone once observed 3 1 patient with acupuncture dizziness, and found that 10 patient's curative effect improved rapidly, so he thought that acupuncture dizziness might help to relieve symptoms, especially painful diseases. We believe that the relationship between acupuncture vertigo and curative effect needs more practice to confirm, and its mechanism deserves further discussion. However, acupuncture dizziness is an adverse reaction that brings pain to patients, and prevention should still be given priority in clinic.