Ginkgo biloba, also known as ginkgo biloba, is a dry and mature seed of ginkgo biloba. Chinese medicine believes that ginkgo is sweet, bitter, astringent and flat. It belongs to lung and kidney meridians, and has the effects of reducing urine, stopping leukorrhagia, astringing lung and relieving asthma. Can be used for treating cough, asthma, excessive phlegm, yellow odor, turbid urine, nocturnal emission, nocturnal emission, frequent urination, nameless swelling, sores and tinea.
Modern pharmacological studies have found that Ginkgo biloba contains flavonoids, ginkgolides and other components, which have the functions of regulating immunity, lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipid, resisting myocardial ischemia, improving learning and memory, relieving asthma, resisting aging, resisting oxidation, resisting radiation, resisting parasites and resisting inflammation.