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Analog clock java paper
I don't know if LZ wants Java or Javascript

I'll post a java one for you ..

If you want javascript, go to Baidu and search for it yourself. There are many.

Import java.awt.color;

Import java.util. *;

Import java.awt. *;

Import java.applet. *;

Implementation of Runnable by Common Class Clock Extension Applet


Thread timer = null


int lastxs=50,lastys=30,lastxm=50,lastym=30,lastxh=50,lastyh = 30

Public void init ()


Label = new label ("");

set background(color . white);

To add (a label);


Public blank paint (figure g)


int xh,yh,xm,ym,xs,ys,s,m,h,xcenter,ycenter

Date right now = new Date();

string today = right now . tolocalestring();

Label.setText (today);

s = right now . get seconds();

m = right now . get minutes();

h = right now . get hours();

xcenter = 100;

ycenter = 80

xs =(int)(math . cos(s * 3. 14f/30-3. 14f/2)* 45+xcenter);

ys =(int)(math . sin(s * 3. 14f/30-3. 14f/2)* 45+y center);

XM =(int)(math . cos(m * 3. 14f/30-3. 14f/2)* 45+xcenter);

ym =(int)(math . sin(m * 3. 14f/30-3. 14f/2)* 45+y center);

xh =(int)(math . cos((h * 30+m * 2)* 3. 14f/ 180-3. 14f/2)* 30+xcenter);

yh =(int)(math . sin((h * 30+m * 2)* 3. 14f/ 180-3. 14f/2)* 30+y center);

G.setFont (new font ("TimesToman", font. Plain,14));

g . set color(color . orange);

g.fill3DRect(xcenter-50,ycenter-50, 100, 100,true);

g . set color(color . dark gray);

G. pull the rope ("12", xcenter-5, ycenter-37);

g.drawString("3 ",xcenter+40,y center+3);

G. pull the rope ("6", xcenter-3, ycenter+45);

G. pull the rope ("9", xcenter-45, y center+3);

g . set color(color . orange);

If (xs! =lastxs||ys! =lastys)




If (xm! =lastxm||ym! =lastym)


g.drawLine(xcenter,ycenter- 1,lastxm,lastym);

g.drawLine(xcenter- 1,ycenter,lastxm,lastym);


if(xh! =lastxh||yh! =lastyh)


g.drawLine(xcenter,ycenter- 1,lastxh,last yh);

g.drawLine(xcenter- 1,ycenter,lastxh,last yh);


g . set color(color . red);


g.drawLine(xcenter,ycenter- 1,xm,ym);

g.drawLine(xcenter- 1,ycenter,xm,ym);

g.drawLine(xcenter,ycenter- 1,xh,yh);

g.drawLine(xcenter- 1,ycenter,xh,yh);

lastxs = xs

lastys = ys

lastxm = xm

lastym = ym

lastxh = xh

lastyh = yh


Public void start ()




Timer = new thread (this);

timer . start();



Public invalid site ()


timer = null


Public invalid operation ()


While (timer! = empty)




thread . sleep( 1000);

} catch(interrupted exception ie){ }



timer = null


Public void update (graph g)


Paint (gram);

