1. Use AND, OR and NOT logical operators: These operators can help you narrow or expand your search. For example, if you want to find literature about climate change AND global warming, you can use the AND operator to combine these two words to search. If you want to find literature about climate change rather than global warming, you can use the NOT operator to exclude the word global warming.
2. Use parentheses: parentheses can help you control the order of logical operators. For example, if you want to find the literature about climate change and global warming, but you want to consider climate change before global warming, you can use parentheses to combine the two words for search.
3. Use quotation marks: quotation marks can help you search for specific phrases or sentences. For example, if you want to find a document about "the impact of climate change on agriculture", you can put quotation marks around this phrase to search.
4. Use wildcards: Wildcards can help you match multiple words or characters. For example, if you want to find all the relevant literature about "climate change", but you are not sure which word should be used to describe it, you can use the wildcard (*) instead of the uncertain part to search.