Use a desktop computer. Computer market share and strong profit gap, at that time, the price of microcomputer system produced by some small companies was around 400 dollars, and this machine was very popular as soon as it was launched. This means that small computers, especially personal computers, begin to replace mainframes, which often happens in distributed networks. 1984, personal computers began to win more shares in the computer market. It is in this business background that Apple saw business opportunities and started its entrepreneurial journey. 1976 In March, Wozniak and Jobutz co-founded Apple. In many industries, leading enterprises realize basic technology by successfully utilizing a series of technological innovations based on existing organizations and technical capabilities, which are often initiated by new enterprises entering the industry. Apple has designed a more advanced Apple II microcomputer. In order to occupy a larger market share, the company has taken effective measures in marketing channels, funds and strategies. On the market side, they found a fixed company to advertise for Apple for many years, and always paid afterwards. In terms of capital, the use of venture capitalists' funds and the inherent conservatism of large financial enterprises to new technologies have opened up huge new opportunities for small start-ups who have created new systems at the beginning. It is in the field of personal computers that Apple has given confidence to venture capital institutions.